


更新时间:2024-06-24 11:50:10

  • 1、It cannot beunderstated just how important it is to let elements breathe in your design.(“留白”对于网页设计是很重要的,留白不至于让你页面元素都堆积在一起。)
  • 2、Without Kayak's internal data, it is difficult to gauge what the 3% uptick - or more, if it truly isunderstated, as Hafner says - means.(没有Kayak的内部数据,我们很难去衡量这3%的流量上升意味着什么——而要是Hafner所谓的“被低估”是真实的,上升量还不止3%。)
  • 3、Such specs are usuallyunderstated, so I strongly recommend 2 gigabytes, even on cheap machines.(这样的规格通常是被低估的,因此我强烈建议2g的内存,即便是在低价电脑上。)
  • 4、I like that the female cops on the show havesuch anunderstated rapport with their male co-workers.(怎么说呢,我喜欢剧里的女警们和男同事之间的低调关系。)
  • 5、It still looks good, modern andunderstated styling matching your modern andunderstated life, but we're left wanting some updates.(它看起来仍非常棒,现代和简约的风格正好搭配你现代和简约的生活,但是我们仍然希望能有一些更新。)
  • 6、That already looks ratherunderstated(那样说已经是轻描淡写了)
  • 7、Paired with flat boots, a miniskirt can be chic andunderstated.(配上平底靴,迷你裙穿在身上就显得既时髦又不至于太招摇。)
  • 8、This may be the mostunderstated design-driven activity on a website, but it carries huge value.(这或许是网站中认知度最高的设计行为,其价值巨大。)
  • 9、His recommendation is anunderstated "underperform" - Wall Street code for sell.(他对于该股的持有者建议,是保守的“表现低于预期”——用华尔街的话说,就是要抓紧卖掉。)
  • 10、The impact and importance of following an agile, iterative and incremental approach cannot beunderstated.(很多人无法理解遵循敏捷、迭代和递增的方法的影响和重要性。)
  • 11、If you do achieve it, you are expected to shroud your wealth in locally grown produce,understated luxury cars and nubby fabrics.(一旦成功了,你可能会靠本地产食品、低调的豪华轿车和结子花织品这些虚饰来藏富。)
  • 12、It is easy to miss the message behind thisunderstated campaign, until the colour and shape of the ribbon catch the eye.(如果不是丝带的颜色及形状引人注意,恐怕这则朴素的广告背后的含义容易被人忽视。)
  • 13、Durant has had the quietest, mostunderstated summer of all.(杜兰特的这个夏天则过得极为安静也极为低调。)
  • 14、Either that, or GDP isunderstated.(要么就这样,要么就是GDP被低估了。)
  • 15、They'll create too much of a contrast with theunderstated pieces, and you risk appearing cartoonish with the whole mod look.(因为艳丽的颜色与素净的衣服搭配起来会显得太扎眼,弄不好就会让你的一身打扮看起来很卡通。)
  • 16、In fact, heunderstated the case, by focusing only on financial confidence.(事实上,他将重心放在金融信心方面,这样就低估了当前的情况。)
  • 17、But youunderstated how significant the experience was for Britain's learning curve in post-war international relations.(然而你却轻视了,从战后国际关系中英国的学习过程是多么有意义的经验。)
  • 18、Her finely calibrated moral compass is matched by a reporter's knack for deft,understated description.(与她精细校准的道德罗盘匹配的是一个记者灵巧而朴素的描述技法。)
  • 19、In conversation, as in his writings, Fukuyama is cool andunderstated.(在交谈中,就像在他的作品中一样,福山是一个冷静而言辞谨慎的人。)
  • 20、Of course, to justify their poor preparation to combat such a large leak of oil, Hayward may have greatlyunderstated its probability.(当然,唐熙华为了给公司与如此巨大的漏油事故中准备不足辩护,肯定对事故的概率有充分的了解。)
  • 21、Before the scandal, Mrs. Madoff radiated anunderstated sense of taste.(丑闻之前,麦道夫太太表现出不俗的品味。)
  • 22、I hope these three historic elements are handled subtly, in a powerfullyunderstated way, in Obama's address.(我希望奥巴马能够在演说中用一种有力的、有保留的方式巧妙地处理这三个历史元素。)
  • 23、They oftenunderstated their coal output.(他们常常少报他们的煤炭产量。)
  • 24、I have always likedunderstated clothes.(我一向喜欢简朴的衣服。)


英 [ˌʌndəˈsteɪtɪd] 美 [ˌʌndərˈsteɪtɪd] 

副词: understatedly

