


更新时间:2024-06-24 11:50:10

  • 1、To say that the last few years were not kind to the auto industry is a massiveunderstatement.(要说过去几年汽车行业不景气,似乎过于轻描淡写。)
  • 2、The first love, still cannotunderstatement.(第一次的爱,始终无法轻描淡写。)
  • 3、Saying that virtualization is a hot technology today is anunderstatement.(目前,简单地将虚拟化称为一种热点技术似乎有些保守。)
  • 4、To say that the stylesheets I have introduced in this article are simplistic would be anunderstatement.(如果要说本文中介绍的样式表很简单,就太过谨慎了。)
  • 5、The present paper attempts to make a cursory comparison ofunderstatement structures in English and Chinese.(本文从英语教学和英汉翻译的应用角度出发比较英汉低调陈述结构;)
  • 6、To say it is a large-scale piece is anunderstatement.(如果说这是一个大规模的一块是轻描淡写。)
  • 7、It would be anunderstatement to say the web has gotten faster in recent years.(web在近些年来已经变得更快了,不过这样的说法有些保守。)
  • 8、He was accused of hyperbole but seems, rather, to have been guilty ofunderstatement.(人们谴责他危言耸听,但现在看来,似乎应该是谴责他过于轻描淡写了。)
  • 9、He always goes for subtlety andunderstatement in his movies.(他总是在自己的电影中运用细腻刻画和淡化手法。)
  • 10、To say that blogs experienced exponential growth is a bit of anunderstatement.(说博客经历了指数级增长是有点儿低估它了。)
  • 11、To say we are overworked and underpaid is anunderstatement.(说我们工作过度、收入不足还只是含蓄的说法。)
  • 12、It was an honest response, and also something of anunderstatement.(这是个诚恳的回答,当然也有一些潜台词。)
  • 13、To say these companies had long-term visions is anunderstatement.(若说这些公司拥有长远视野,这只是在轻描淡写而已。)
  • 14、Probably anunderstatement: A lot of times what people want is a listening ear.(保守来说就是:许多时候,人们只想有个倾吐对象。)
  • 15、To say I was despondent is anunderstatement.(说我有些沮丧已经算是轻描淡写了。)
  • 16、That was a record, and probably anunderstatement.(这个是一个记录,或许还太轻描淡写了一些。)
  • 17、This is a grandunderstatement.(这么说明显是轻描淡写了,在我们行走时,好像在参加一个“狼先生,现在几点了?”)
  • 18、To characterize Craigslist as just a classifieds site is a bigunderstatement.(把Craigslist仅仅看做一个分类广告站点是大大地低估了它。)
  • 19、To say that confirmation would be thrilling is anunderstatement.(如果说这种确认将令人兴奋不已,那就说得太轻了。)
  • 20、To say a visit it is worth a detour is anunderstatement.(如果说这是一个值得绕道而去的地方,那么这种说法显然无法完全体现出该博物馆的价值。)
  • 21、To say I'm disappointed is anunderstatement.(说我很失望是很轻的说法。)
  • 22、To say the surgeons here are operating under difficult circumstances is clearly anunderstatement.(要说外科医师在困难的环境中动手术,这样一点也不为过。)
  • 23、To say the crowd and Panettiere were a bit stunned is a bit of anunderstatement.(用“吓晕了”来形容观众和潘妮蒂尔的反应都不为过。)
  • 24、And probably theunderstatement of all time would be that I have learned a lot along the way.(一直以来保守的说法是,一路上我学到了很多。)
  • 25、Describing my feeling, upon seeing it, as thunderstruck would be anunderstatement.(如果要说我当时的感受,说是被雷击了都不过分。)
  • 26、"We both have an interesting 10 days coming up," said Alex Ferguson with studiedunderstatement.(“未来10天对双方来说都会非常有趣。”,亚历克斯·弗格森故作轻描淡写地说。)
  • 27、I guess that would be theunderstatement of the year.(我猜想这将是轻描淡写的一年。)


英 [ˈʌndəsteɪtmənt] 美 [ˈʌndərsteɪtmənt] 


