- 1、When offered dolls or other toys, she is equallyunmoved.(她同样不为别的玩具所动。)
- 2、Most non-scientists areunmoved.(大部分非科学人士无动于衷。)
- 3、After listening to this "warning" of the story, do you still remainunmoved?(听了这篇《警告》的故事,难道你还无动于衷吗?)
- 4、Yes, the world is moved by Team refugees. Yet, it isunmoved by refugees.(是的,这个世界被难民代表团感动了。然而,却对难民无动于衷。)
- 5、The Master wasunmoved.(大师无动于衷。)
- 6、So far, policymakers areunmoved.(迄今为止,决策者还无动于衷。)
- 7、Others remarked that I was among the rare few who had everything, but still, I wasunmoved.(别人都说我拥有许多人都没有的,但我还是觉得一无所有。)
- 8、The most distant distance, not life and death, but you know I love you butunmoved.(最遥远的距离,不是生和死,而是你知道我爱你却无动于衷。)
- 9、The fact that scientists might be deprived of visas left himunmoved.(而实际上他对科学家被剥夺签证无动于衷。)
- 10、He wasunmoved by her sobbing.(他对她的啜泣无动于衷。)
- 11、If she quits, her 1,900-odd friends may notice, but Mr Zuckerberg seemsunmoved.(如果她退出Facebook,除了她的1900多个线上好友会留意,扎克伯格恐怕只会无动于衷。)
- 12、He put a flower in my hair. I said, "It is useless!"; but he stoodunmoved.(他把一朵花插在我发上。我说:“这也没有用处!”但是他站着不动。)
- 13、He swims in the Sea of Bliss,unmoved by joy or pain.(他在福佑的海洋里畅游,对欢乐与悲哀无动于衷。)
- 14、When I relate such findings to Vicino, he isunmoved.(当我跟维奇诺提及这些时,他却不为所动。)
- 15、Wall Street wasunmoved.(华尔街无动于衷。)
- 16、The markets have been quiteunmoved by the news.(市场对该消息,几乎不为所动。)
- 17、Mother wants this chair leftunmoved.(母亲想要这张椅子保持原位不动。)
- 18、The mountain remainsunmoved at its seeming defeat by the mist.(群山表面上被云雾挫败,实际上始终岿然未动。)
- 19、Mr. Bird remainedunmoved by the corruption allegations.(伯德先生对贪污指控仍无动于衷。)
- 20、Outside, the crowd who had accompanied the cab home was still cheering, and he was naturally notunmoved.(外面,陪着马车回家的人群还在欢呼,他自然有点被感动。)
- 21、unmoved, cold, and to temptation slow.(冷漠不动,令诱惑难以近身。)
- 22、Alice seemed totallyunmoved by the whole experience.(艾丽斯似乎对整个经过十分冷漠。)
- 23、In this regard, the Korean capital will naturally notunmoved.(在这方面,韩国的资本,自然不会无动于衷。) (好工具hao86.com)
- 24、But Mr King will beunmoved.(但是金先生不会动摇。)
- 25、He remainedunmoved even when she began to cry.(甚至当她开始哭泣时,他还是无动于衷。)
- 26、She pleaded with him but he remainedunmoved.(她苦苦哀求,可是他仍无动于衷。)