- 1、These are tiny pieces of a superconducting material consisting of a niobium film on an aluminium oxidewafer with gaps etched into it.(这是一些细小的超导材料,由一个刻有间隔的氧化铝晶片上的铌薄膜构成。)
- 2、A disruption in siliconwafer production can then stall makers of memory chips and, ultimately, consumer products.(硅晶片生产的中断会使内存芯片的生产停顿,并最终会影响到消费产品。)
- 3、Researchers view each hair-thinwafer of brain tissue under a microscope outfitted with a laser for precision dissection.(研究者使用装备有精密测量激光的显微镜来观察每个稀薄的大脑组织晶片。)
- 4、Directwafer makes individualwafers straight from molten silicon-no cutting required.(直接硅片技术能直接在熔融晶中制成单片晶圆,不需要切割。)
- 5、It takes around 13 cubic metres of freshwater to produce a single 200mm semiconductorwafer, for example.(例如,制造出一块2分米长的半导体晶片需消耗13立方米的水。)
- 6、From the basket of bread made without yeast, which is before the Lord, take a loaf, and a cake made with oil, and awafer.(再从耶和华面前装无酵饼的筐子中取一个饼,一个调油的饼和一个薄饼。)
- 7、Researchers took a 200-millimeter silicon-wafer chip and drilled a 3-nanometer-wide hole (known as a nanopore) through it.(研究人员那一片200毫米的硅片芯片并在上面打上直径3纳米的孔(称为纳米孔)穿过它。)
- 8、wafer Die Disposition: Various functions related towafer manufacturing and test.(waferDieDisposition:各种与晶片制造及测试相关的功能。) 【hao86.com好工具】
- 9、Its mainwafer plant in Shirakawa was damaged by the earthquake, and the factory is down.(它的主要晶片生产工厂位于白河,已被地震摧毁,厂房都震塌了。)
- 10、Making integrated circuits involves depositing layers of materials such as semiconductors and metals on a siliconwafer.(制造集成电路需要将如半导体和金属等多层材料放置在硅片上。)
- 11、Other useful second-rounders from that draft include C.J Miles, Ersan Ilyasova, Ronny Turiaf, Marcin Gortat, Vonwafer and Ryan Gomes.(其他一些值得一提的二轮秀包括c.j迈尔斯,伊利亚·索瓦,罗尼图里亚夫,马辛戈塔特,冯韦佛和里安·戈麦斯。)
- 12、It specializes in an unusual kind ofwafer, making it hard to share research and development costs with other companies.(它独特的晶片,使它很难与其他公司去分担研发成本。)
- 13、The new device is a siliconwafer about the shape and size of a playing card.(这个新设备是一张纸牌大小的硅晶片。)
- 14、Powerchip will also allocate 50 percent of its 300-mmwafer capacity towafer foundry by the year end.(除此以外,到年底之前,力晶还将把其300mm芯片厂50%的产能分配给代工业务使用。)
- 15、"For each device, we are figuring something like a six-inchwafer of actual material is all that is needed," Melosh said.(对每一个设备,我们计算出类似一个6英寸的半导体材料圆盘就足够了。)
- 16、Backup guard and former Blazer Vonwafer added 21 points, making 7 of 13 shots.(替补后卫范-韦弗13投7中拿下21分。)
- 17、These vendor functions must be integrated for functions such aswafer fabrication,wafer test, module build, and module test.(这些供应商功能必须针对晶片制造、晶片测试、模块构建和模块测试等功能进行集成。)
- 18、Normally siliconwafers are cut from a larger piece of silicon. This wastes about half of thewafer material.(硅晶片通常都是从一块较大的硅上裁剪而来,此方式浪费了大概一半的圆晶原料。)
- 19、Thewafer is a piezoelectric resonator, expanding and contracting in response to electrical voltages at a precise, extremely high frequency.(该晶片是一个压电谐振器,以精准而极高的频率对电压作出反馈,进行放大和收缩。)
- 20、Heat from the foot is applied to the top side of thewafer, and cold from the ground is applied on the other side, and voila: electricity.(脚底的热量作用在上层薄片,较冷的地面作用在下层薄片,好了,电就这样产生了。)
- 21、To make its artificial leaf, the MIT team spread its catalysts on opposite sides of a siliconwafer.(此研究团队将催化剂涂在了硅片的正反两面,使它像一片人工叶子。)
- 22、Many fans want to sup with Mr Jones, despite the fact that he once exploded after eating awafer-thin mint.(许多粉丝都想和琼斯先生共进晚餐,尽管有一次他曾在吃下薄如薄纸的薄荷叶后大发雷霆。)
- 23、Different catalysts coat each side of thewafer.(晶片的两面均包裹着催化剂。)
- 24、The Endura platform is a modular, configurable system used to deposit metals and metal alloys on thewafer.(Endura平台是一种模块化的可配置系统,用来在晶圆上沉积金属和金属合金。)
- 25、The new company will continue producing semiconductors on a 300 mmwafer line and use a 65nm production process.(新工厂将继续在300mm晶圆上利用65nm制程生产Cell处理器等。)
- 26、We then purchased the six most voted-for brands of classic vanilla ice cream, chocolatewafer sandwiches, and went to tasting town.(因此,我们把这六种得票数最高的经典品牌的香草冰淇淋,巧克力威化三明治都买了下来,还去了试吃城呢。)
- 27、This wastes about half of thewafer material.(这浪费了大概一半的晶圆材料。)