好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的walk the dog的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了23条walk the dog的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了walk the dog的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、My sister has a big dog and I have towalk the dog today.(我姊姊有一只大狗,而且我今天必须遛狗。)
- 2、It is necessary towalk the dog in the park once a day if you want it to be healthy.(如果你想要你的狗健康,每天一次在公园溜狗是有必要的。)
- 3、Yes, I willwalk the dog.(好的,我会去遛狗。)
- 4、I mustwalk the dog.(我必须带狗去散散步。)
- 5、Why don't youwalk the dog round for half an hour or so?(你为何不带着狗出去走上半小时左右?)
- 6、walk the dog has become commonplace, but if you wanted to go Liuwan holding a cat is what situation?(遛狗早已成为家常便饭,但如果你要是牵着一只猫去遛弯会是什么情景呢?)
- 7、It is necessary towalk the dog in the park every day if you want it to be healthy.(这是必要走的狗在公园里每天如果你希望它是健康的。)
- 8、She's worn shorts before — towalk the dog, do stuff around the White House.(以前在遛狗或白宫附近工作时,她也穿短裤。)
- 9、I don't do it in the sleet, it's bad for morale, but I've come to realise it's the most effective and important hour of the day. Iwalk the dog.(如果有雨夹雪我就不这么走了,因为不利于提高士气,但是我渐渐意识到这是一天中最有效率且最重要的一小时。)
- 10、Now canals are places where you go towalk the dog while worrying about muggers.(现在运河成了你去遛狗还得担心会出现歹徒的地方。)
- 11、I forgot towalk the dog.(我忘记遛狗了。)
- 12、I often watch TV for a while, and thenwalk the dog with my dad.(我经常看一会儿电视,然后和我爸爸一起去遛狗。) hAo86.com
- 13、I always have to do chores. I have towalk the dog and feed him every day. I have to wash him once a week.(我每次都不得不做家务。我每天都不得不遛狗和喂它食物。每周我还得给它洗一次澡。)
- 14、F: Alright then, go out to get some fresh air andwalk the dog.(那好吧,出去呼吸一下新鲜空气,溜溜狗吧。)
- 15、I mustwalk the dog; he has not been out today.(我必须带狗去散散步,它今天还没出去过。)
- 16、walk the dog to strong bones.(遛狗能强壮骨骼。)
- 17、I have a dream - you can ride every day,walk the dog to play!(我有一个梦想——每天都可以骑马遛狗玩!)
- 18、walk the dog daily moderate exercise for 30 minutes to reach minimum standards, lower risk of obesity.(每天遛狗30分钟可达到适度运动最低标准,肥胖几率更低。)
- 19、Let's go out andwalk the dog.(我们出去遛狗吧。)
- 20、Can wewalk the dog in the park?(我们可以在公园遛狗吗?)
- 21、A woman insisted on verifying who wouldwalk the dog.(一名女子坚持要明确婚后由谁来遛狗。)
- 22、Don'twalk the dog in the rain.(不要在雨中遛狗。不要在雨中遛狗。)
- 23、They mop floors, take out the rubbish,walk the dog, buy groceries and care for the children, the elderly or disabled.(她们拖地,倒垃圾,遛狗,卖杂货,带孩子,照顾老人和残疾人。)