
walk through

walk through造句

更新时间:2025-03-10 08:55:44

好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的walk through的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了29条walk through的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了walk through的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、It took me so long towalk through the deep snow.(在深深的雪地里行走花了我很长时间。)
  • 2、Now, let's take awalk through the new features.(现在,让我们来浏览一下一些新的特性。)
  • 3、If you're traveling by train,walk through the cars occasionally.(如果你要坐火车旅行,可以偶尔在车厢走走。)
  • 4、Take this opportunity towalk through your town or city and greet all of those you pass.(借此机会走过你的城镇或城市,问候所有你遇到的人。)
  • 5、Let'swalk through its implementation.(让我们来看看它的实现。)
  • 6、Although nowadays the center has electronic maps, the dispatchers stillwalk through the streets to draw maps by hand.(虽然现在中心已经有了电子地图,但调度员仍然要走在街道上手工绘制地图。)
  • 7、Let's justwalk through first structure here.(我们先简要讲讲第一个结构。)
  • 8、He was also a man who tried towalk through walls.(他也是一个试尝穿墙而行的人。)
  • 9、We'llwalk through these steps in detail in an upcoming section.(我们将在接下来的内容中详细讲述这些步骤。)
  • 10、Most games-goers willwalk through it.(大部分奥运会的观众将会走过它。)
  • 11、Wewalk through darkness, up the stairs.(我们在黑暗中走上楼。)
  • 12、It attracts travelers to come over to cycle andwalk through the surrounding forests.(它吸引着游客来这里骑自行车和步行穿过周围的森林。)
  • 13、Let'swalk through the conversion for each container.(让我们一起详细了解每一个容器的转换。)
  • 14、A It's a couple of hours towalk through.(a从头到尾走一趟需要几个小时。)
  • 15、Let'swalk through the previous command from left to right.(现在我们对上一条命令从左向右进行分析。)
  • 16、Let'swalk through what RMC provides in each of these areas.(让我们分别讨论RMC在这三个领域为我们提供了什么。)
  • 17、Who wants towalk through the woods when you can walk above the woods?(如果可以走在树林顶端,谁还愿意从树林里穿过呢?)
  • 18、This article will notwalk through all of the settings.(这篇文章将不会介绍所有的设置。)
  • 19、When youwalk through that door, it's an act of free will.(当你走进这个门的时候,这是自由意志的选择。)
  • 20、I'm going to define a class, and in particular, what I'm going to do, is towalk through what that says.(我要定义一个类,特别要做的是,遍历它所表示的内容。)
  • 21、I wouldwalk through a tunnel of fire if it would save my son.(如果穿越一条燃烧的隧道能够救下我的孩子,我会去。)
  • 22、I'll brieflywalk through this source code.(我简要介绍一下这段代码。)
  • 23、Iwalk through the park on a sunny summer's day.(我在一个晴朗的夏日走过了公园。)
  • 24、Take a tour of his Lakeland cottage,walk through his hillside garden and explore the riches of the collection in the Museum.(参观他的湖边小屋,穿过他山坡上的花园,探索博物馆里丰富的收藏品。)
  • 25、walk through the gate and you'll see the rest room.(穿过大门你就会看到厕所。)
  • 26、Anyone who has patted a dog, stroked a cat, sat under a tree with a pint of beer, given or received a bunch of flowers or chosen towalk through the park on a nice day, understands that.(任何一个抚摸过狗、猫,抱过一品脱啤酒坐在树下,送过或收到过一束花,或选择在晴朗的日子里去公园散步的人,都明白这一点。)
  • 27、Now, let'swalk through a few example uses of D-BUS code.(现在,让我们来接触一些使用D-BUS代码的示例。)
  • 28、Iwalk through the gates again.(我又一次走过大门。)
  • 29、It is important to be able to deal with everything that is thrown at you when youwalk through your classroom doors.(当你走进教室的时候,能够处理所有抛向你的事情是很重要的。)
walk through基本释义

walk through

英 [wɔ:k θru:] 美 [wɔk θru] 

