
walking stick

walking stick造句

更新时间:2025-03-10 08:55:43

好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的walking stick的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了27条walking stick的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了walking stick的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、Web searching is now a bigwalking stick for translators.(网络搜索现在是笔译翻译的一根大拐棍。)
  • 2、Grandpa lost hiswalking stick.(爷爷遗失了他的拐杖。)
  • 3、After his death, thewalking stick he had dropped turned into a large peach grove, providing shade for passers-by.(他死后啊,他扔下的手杖就变成了一大片桃林,为过路的人遮阳。)
  • 4、A father is awalking stick, let us in life less tumble.(父爱是拐杖,让我们在人生中少摔跟头。)
  • 5、He dressed in simple blue and brown robes, and carried a carvedwalking stick.(他穿着简单的蓝棕色长袍,拿着一根雕刻过的手杖。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 6、He is slower than a snail and USES awalking stick.(他行动起来比蜗牛还慢,总是拄着拐杖走路。)
  • 7、The old woman can not walk without awalking stick.(这位老太太没有拐杖不能行走。)
  • 8、He was tapping hiswalking stick against his leg.(他用拐杖轻轻敲打着他的腿。)
  • 9、Awalking stick dipped in the glowing slime of a jellyfish, he observed, "will light the way like a torch".(手仗放入这些水母做成的黏液中进行浸泡,他观察到这样就可以“像手电筒一样照亮道路”。)
  • 10、He discovered this art form playing around with awalking stick.(他在把玩手杖的时候发现了这种艺术形式。)
  • 11、We enjoy the straight crookedness of a goodwalking stick.(我们都喜欢手杖曲中有直、直中带曲。)
  • 12、Hiswalking stick was carved with a horse's head.(他的手杖上雕刻着一个马头。)
  • 13、Mywalking stick is the same length as yours.(我的拐杖和你拐杖长度一样。)
  • 14、A man who holds public property must hold it on the pub1ic condition on which, for instance, I carry mywalking stick.(掌握公共财产的人必须受到社会的制约,比如,我带着手杖也要受社会制约。)
  • 15、She shifted things with the tip of herwalking stick.(她用手杖尖翻拨挪动东西。)
  • 16、He fashioned awalking stick for his father.(他给他父亲做成一个手杖。)
  • 17、Apparently he just dug it out of the rock face with hiswalking stick.(看上去他就是用手杖从岩面里把它挖了出来。)
  • 18、He plucked a branch of maple to serve for awalking stick.(他采摘了一根枫树枝,想把它当手杖用。)
  • 19、I have mywalking stick, a drinking bottle, my begging bowl (also serves as a washbasin), a cushion and some food.(我有我的拐杖,一个水瓶,我的讨饭碗(也用作脸盆),一个坐垫和一些食物。)
  • 20、At 9, he was able to walk with the help of awalking stick.(9岁时,他就能借助拐杖走路了。)
  • 21、Pain is thewalking stick of life. It makes the strong stronger and the weak weaker.(痛苦是人生的拐杖,它使强者更强,弱者更弱。)
  • 22、Mr . wallace switched his son with hiswalking stick.(瓦勒士先生用他的手杖打他儿子。)
  • 23、A blind person Ben walked with awalking stick.(一个盲人本和一根手杖走了。)
  • 24、When you are old, I will still carry you and be yourwalking stick; when you have no teeth, I will feed you.(等你老了,我依然背着你,我给你当拐杖;等你没牙了,我就嚼碎了喂给你。)
  • 25、I would also carry a stoutwalking stick if I had problems with stray dogs.(如果我和流浪狗遇到麻烦,我会使用一根粗壮的手杖。)
  • 26、I'm not sure what made me look at her as she walked slowly by her woodenwalking stick.(当她拄着木拐杖慢慢走时,我不确定是什么促使我看着她。)
  • 27、Twice he brought in hiswalking stick, and once he brought in the coal scuttle.(有两次他把他的拐杖带进去,而有一次他带进去一个媒斗。)
walking stick基本释义

walking stick

英 [ˈwɔ:kɪŋ stik] 美 [ˈwɔkɪŋ stɪk] 

第三人称复数:walking sticks

