


更新时间:2024-08-28 12:13:09

  • 1、Most tortillas are made from ground corn, but sometimeswheat is used.(大多数墨西哥玉米粉圆饼是由磨碎的玉米制成的,但有时也用小麦。)
  • 2、He raises 2,000 acres ofwheat and hay.(他种植了2000英亩的小麦和饲料用草。)
  • 3、wheat is transported from the farms to mills.(小麦从农场运至面粉厂。)
  • 4、A bumperwheat harvest is anticipated [expected] this year.(今年小麦可望获得丰收。)
  • 5、wheat, maize and sugar beet are planted in rotation.(小麦、玉米和甜菜是轮流种植的。)
  • 6、Nevertheless, yields of maize, sorghum andwheat doubled between 1983 and 1985.(然而,玉米、高粱和小麦的产量在1983年至1985年间翻了一番。)
  • 7、Canada produceswheat and furs.(加拿大出产小麦和毛皮。)
  • 8、wheat is grown in places which have cold winters and warm, dry summers.(小麦生长在冬季寒冷、夏季温暖干燥的地方。)
  • 9、The price ofwheat has decreased by 15%.(小麦价格降低了15%。)
  • 10、wheat varieties that Borlaug worked with had tall, thin stalks.(博洛格研究的小麦品种有又高又细的茎。)
  • 11、Sift out thewheat from the chaff.(把小麦的壳筛出来。)
  • 12、Grasslands have been broken and planted towheat.(草地已经犁过,并种上了小麦。)
  • 13、They had been forced to uproot their vines and plantwheat.(他们早已被迫把葡萄藤连根拔起,种上小麦。)
  • 14、In 1972, for instance, the Soviets, recognizing the poorwheat harvest in other countries, quietly cornered the worldwheat market.(例如在1972年,苏联人认识到其他国家小麦收成不佳,悄悄地垄断了世界小麦市场。)
  • 15、Remember the old proverb which says, "Badwheat always makes poor bread!"(记住那句古老的谚语:“坏小麦总做坏面包!”)
  • 16、It isn't always easy to separate thewheat from the chaff.(分清好坏并不总是容易的。)
  • 17、The fields are underwheat, rape, and other crops.(地里种着小麦、油菜及其他作物。)
  • 18、They have been barteringwheat for cotton and timber.(他们一直在用小麦交换棉花和木材。)
  • 19、The region produces over 50% of the country'swheat.(这个地区出产全国50%以上的小麦。)
  • 20、The wind rippled thewheat in the fields.(田野上的麦浪在风中起伏。)
  • 21、wheat was in surplus that year.(那一年小麦过剩。)
  • 22、The fields around had been sown withwheat.(周围的地里种上了小麦。)
  • 23、I takewheat and yeast tablets daily to purify the blood.(我每天服用小麦酵母片来净化血液。)
  • 24、Most breads, if they are notwheat flour, tend to be soya flour.(大部分面包都是麦粉做的,如果不是,那通常就是豆粉做的。)
  • 25、Breeding has produced types ofwheat which can be grown in the north.(通过育种已培养出可在北方种植的小麦品种。)
  • 26、wheat and oats are of the same family, but of different genera.(小麦和燕麦是同科的,但不同属。)
  • 27、During the dry season, they growwheat in the same fields.(在旱季,他们在同一块地里种小麦。)
  • 28、The local people barteredwheat for tools.(当地人用小麦换取工具。)
  • 29、This year's yield ofwheat is higher than ever before.(今年小麦产量高于往年。)


英 [wi:t] 美 [hwit, wit] 


