好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的wind up的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了27条wind up的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了wind up的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、If we all agree, let'swind up the discussion.(如果我们大家都同意,咱们就结束讨论吧。)
- 2、You don't necessarily alwayswind up with your own type.(你不必总修改你的个人类型。)
- 3、Applicants' choices are influenced by the size of the debt they'llwind up with.(申请人的选择会因为他们所选择负债的多少而受影响。)
- 4、Eventually, youwind up with the window shown below.(最后,您将看到如下所示的窗口。)
- 5、Show some curiosity. The more questions you ask, the more youwind up knowing.(表现出一点好奇心你问的问题越多最终懂的也越多。)
- 6、Believe that no matter what you do, you willwind up hurt.(相信不管你做什么,都会受到伤害。)
- 7、Parents warn kids they willwind up as nannies or cleaners if they fail to study.(父母往往警告孩子如果不好好学习,就只有做保姆或者清洁工。)
- 8、Don't be surprised if youwind up toning down some of the original benefits.(如果当初的某些效益最终有所降低也不必感到惊讶。)
- 9、The Philippines maywind up being the first place to put this to the test.(菲律宾正加紧成为第一个将试行这项措施的地方。)
- 10、But you willwind up killing one person walking on the other track.(但你就会杀掉走在另一条铁轨上的那一个人。)
- 11、Youwind up with entanglement rather than a real copy.(您以最终得到的是纠缠,而非真正的拷贝。)
- 12、The president is about towind up his visit to Somalia.(总统即将结束对索马里的访问。)
- 13、Don't let your daughterwind up frightened and scared.(别让你的女儿整天担惊受怕的。)
- 14、And if we solve for molecular weight, then wewind up with 907 grams per mole.(如果我们求摩尔质量的话,我们的结果是907克每摩尔。)
- 15、At least I didn'twind up at the hospital?(至少没有在医院了结这件事。)
- 16、"I cannot control whether or not Iwind up getting the disease swine flu, for example," he says.(“例如,我无法决定自己是否会得猪流感。”他说。)
- 17、I always said he wouldwind up in prison.(我以前一直说他终归要进班房。)
- 18、Because a full-force bite couldwind up hurting them.(因为全力一咬很可能以伤害他们自己而告终。)
- 19、Some even require hospitalization orwind up with kidney failure.(有些甚至需要住院治疗或者出现肾衰竭病症。)
- 20、If you take risks like that you'llwind up dead.(你要是冒那种险就会把命赔上。) Hao86.com
- 21、Many of those who have had their mortgages modifiedwind up defaulting again.(许多按揭被改良的借款人后来又再次违约了。)
- 22、I'd like towind up our interview by wishing you good luck.(我想以祝你好运结束我们的面试。)
- 23、They oftenwind up with a "none of the above" reaction.(而他们反应经常是以一句“以上这些我都不想选”作为结束。)
- 24、How on earth did Iwind up here?(我到底是怎么走到这里的?)
- 25、Don't start trying to catch the flavor the month and be trendy because you think you'll get into a show—that never works, because youwind up creating something you don't really believe in.(不要因为你认为自己能上节目就开始试图迎合这个月的潮流——那是行不通的,因为你最终会创作出一些你并不真正相信的东西。)
- 26、Soon I willwind up my visit to Egypt.(我马上就要结束对埃及的访问。)
- 27、Sometimes when you go young, youwind up with juvenile.(有时候你想使自己年轻点,结果却显得幼稚。)