


更新时间:2024-12-23 07:11:10

  • 1、Some of the money to pay for these schemes will come from awindfall tax on mining profits.(确保这些计划实施的一部分资金将来自于矿产行业的暴利税。)
  • 2、The provision is intended for companies to avoid double taxation, but acts as awindfall for the oil industry.(燃油补贴原本旨在帮助企业避免双重课税,却让石油行业享受了得来全不费工夫的好处。)
  • 3、Winning the lottery is awindfall.(中彩票是天上掉馅饼的事情。)
  • 4、The Gulf is doing its best to spend itswindfall.(海湾国家尽其所能的消费掉这笔横财。)
  • 5、Maybe you can find your dream job, or a way out of a career sinkhole, or a financialwindfall.(或许,你可以找到自己的梦想工作,找到一条摆脱职业困境的出路,或是在薪酬上有意外的收获。)
  • 6、The water treatment was new, now, and Tom's low condition was awindfall to her.(现在新出了水疗法,而正好汤姆状态低迷,这下她可来了劲儿。)
  • 7、Algeria should be enjoying its cashwindfall more than it is.(阿尔及利亚应当享受未曾享受的意外之财。)
  • 8、People in that situation will spend much or all of any temporarywindfall.(在这种状况下的人会将碰巧得来的绝大部分或全部意外之财花光。)
  • 9、We thought they were awindfall.(我们以为那是一场意外之财。)
  • 10、But Putin has deftly managed thewindfall and spread the wealth enough so that people feel hopeful.(普京确实致力于将财富分散,所以人们觉得有盼头。)
  • 11、Mr Humalawants awindfall tax on mining, but says he will talk to the companies first.(胡马拉希望对矿业进行高额征税,不过他说他将会首先为企业考虑。)
  • 12、You may have heard ofwindfall tax. But how about taxing the wind that rises?(也许你听说过“暴利税”,但是听说过“亏本税”吗?)
  • 13、There’s a good section on how to handle awindfall (lottery, inheritance).(书中有一章讲述如何掌控意外之财(如乐透中彩、遗产继承)。)
  • 14、When thewindfall is exhausted, countries have to relearn how to earn their foreign exchange the hard way.(当坐吃山空时,这些国家就不得不重新学习如何艰难地挣取外汇。)
  • 15、Without the oilwindfall, a majority of Venezuelans are likely to withdraw their consent.(没有石油带来的横财,大多数委内瑞拉人可能会撤回对查韦斯的赞成票。)
  • 16、So the market price of online storage, at least for email, has now fallen to zero (see "Webmailwindfall").(至少对邮箱服务而言,在线存储的市场价格已经下降为零(参见“电邮横财”)。)
  • 17、Thewindfall will eventually dwindle.(暴利税最终将下降。)
  • 18、But it's easy to see the potentialwindfall Facebook stands to make.(但是显而易见facebook坚持创造潜在的意外收获。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 19、Ireland and Spain relied onwindfall property revenues.(爱尔兰和西班牙的收入依赖于房地产暴利。)
  • 20、An oil boom would also mean a multibillion dollarwindfall in tax revenues, royalties and leasing fees for Alaska and the Federal Government.(石油产业的繁荣还意味着阿拉斯加和联邦政府将获得数十亿美元的意外之财:税收收入、特许权使用费和租赁费。)
  • 21、The local bank robber optimistically expects awindfall in the tens of thousands of dollars.(而抢劫地方银行的劫匪只是乐观的期待有几万美元的横财。)
  • 22、But farmers sitting on unsold stocks are in for awindfall.(不过把粮食存在仓库的农民都要发一笔横财。)
  • 23、Critics said it represented a potential newwindfall for lenders.(但是批评者说该条款表示放贷者会得到一笔潜在的横财。)
  • 24、The runup in business school applications during the recession has created awindfall for essay writers.(衰退期间涌现的商学院申请令论文写手大发横财。)
  • 25、Yet to date, ordinary Libyans have seen little of thatwindfall.(然而到目前为止,普通的利比亚人民并没有从中得到一点好处。)


英 [ˈwɪndfɔ:l] 美 [ˈwɪndˌfɔl] 


