
water sports

water sports造句

更新时间:2025-03-03 06:23:30

好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的water sports的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了21条water sports的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了water sports的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、The popular sports in the country include football, golf, mountain biking andwater sports, including sailing.(该国流行运动包括足球、高尔夫、山地脚车、水球运动如航海。)
  • 2、It's an experiential theme park which combination ofwater sports with far Atlantis civilization and land-based game play.(室外主题公园项目是以远古亚特兰蒂斯文明水上项目结合陆地游玩项目为主的体验式主题公园。)
  • 3、She often tells younger students to be careful when they playwater sports.(她常常告诉小学生玩水类游戏时要小心。)
  • 4、If you are a little adventurous, likewater sports, and enjoy being around nature, then kayaking is definitely for you.(如果你有点冒险精神,又喜欢水上运动和接近大自然的话,那么划独木舟就一定很适合你。)
  • 5、Many people lovewater sports while some are afraid of water.(很多人喜欢水上运动,但很多人则害怕下水。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 6、Visitors can participate in variouswater sports at Yanqi Lake.(游客在雁栖湖可以进行各类水上运动。)
  • 7、The resort also offers a pool, a variety ofwater sports, and on-site spa for a relaxing vacation.(度假村还提供游泳池,各种水上运动,并进行了一个轻松的假期的现场温泉浴场。)
  • 8、The coastal living of most Australians has made the country’s athletes hard to beat when it comes towater sports.(沿海生活使澳大利亚的水上运动空前发达,这是其他国家的运动员无法可及的。)
  • 9、In warm weather people enjoywater sports.(天热时,他们喜欢水上运动。)
  • 10、The beautiful beaches are good forwater sports, including surfing.(美丽的海滩适合水上运动,包括冲浪。)
  • 11、Since many Greeks live on or near the sea,water sports are popular and children learn to swim at an early age.(由于多数希腊人住在海边或离海不远,所以水上运动非常普遍,孩子很小就开始学游泳。)
  • 12、There we engaged in such thrillingwater sports as deep-sea fishing, jet-skiing, and even parasailing!(在那里我们参加了各种惊险刺激的水上活动,例如深海钓鱼、水上摩托车甚至还有滑翔伞廷行!)
  • 13、The Norwegian has done well inwater sports, like sailing and canoeing/Kayak in Olympics.(挪威人同样擅长水上体育,比如奥运会中的航海、皮划艇。)
  • 14、Two of the four gold medals in which it won in the 2000 Sydney Olympics were fromwater sports.(在2000年悉尼奥运会获得的四枚金牌中的两枚是水上项目。)
  • 15、You can enjoy all thewater sports, or simply lie on the beach.(你可以进行所有的水上运动,或只是躺在沙滩上。)
  • 16、Bob Meistrell remained active inwater sports after his brother Bill died in 2006.(鲍勃·梅斯特莱尔在他的兄弟比尔2006年去世后依然积极参与水上运动。)
  • 17、I love.water sports, bicycling, or exercising at. the. gym.(我喜欢水上运动,骑自行车,或在健身房健身。)
  • 18、I'm starting off forwater sports training.(开始进行水上项目的训练哪。)
  • 19、Is there any other reason, besides your enthusiasm forwater sports?(除了你热衷水上运动之外,还有什幺原因?)
  • 20、Of the five gold MEDALS, one was from Men's Javelin and the remaining four were fromwater sports.(五枚金牌中一枚是男子标枪,其他四枚都是水上项目。)
  • 21、Boating andwater sports are popular in the summer.(划船和水上运动在夏季颇为流行。)
water sports基本释义

water sports

[ˈwɔ:tə spɔ:ts] 

