
wear and tear

wear and tear造句

更新时间:2024-08-28 12:13:26

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的wear and tear的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了26条wear and tear的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了wear and tear的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、Your gums may also be showing somewear and tear from all that blood and estrogen.(因为血液和雌性激素的影响,你的牙龈也可能会有一定程度的磨损。)
  • 2、Rest is a vital and essential process that decreaseswear and tear on the mind and body.(休息是减少我们思想和身体耗损和痛苦的一个至关重要和必不可少的过程。)
  • 3、When you calculate the value of the car you must allow forwear and tear.(计算这辆车的价值时,必须考虑到它的损耗情况。)
  • 4、You save on campus parking costs, gasoline, andwear and tear on your vehicle.(这样你节省了停车费、油费以及维修费。)
  • 5、You would be better off just giving your money to the experienced traders, as it would save on your emotionalwear and tear.(你只要将钱交给有经验的交易员打理,状况会好很多,因为这样你就会减少在感情上的损失。)
  • 6、They are also subject to morewear and tear than turbines protected by huge amounts of concrete.(它们比有钢筋水泥保护的涡轮要更容易磨损。)
  • 7、WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY: Sleeping like this can help repairwear and tear in the back.(专家说:这种睡姿可以减轻背部的疼痛和疲劳。)
  • 8、This is the most common sleeping position in the UK. Sleeping like this can help repairwear and tear in the back.(这种睡姿在英国最为普遍,它有助于缓解背部劳累。)
  • 9、These are the first machines that can stand thewear and tear of continuously crushing glass.(这些是第一批能经得住连续碾碎玻璃造成的磨损的机器。)
  • 10、The carpet is designed to stand up to a lot ofwear and tear.(这种地毯设计得十分耐用。)
  • 11、Its primary functions are to reducewear and tear between bearing and shaft, and raise longevity of shaft and connection rod.(其主要功能是减少轴瓦与曲轴间的滑动摩擦磨损,提高发动机曲轴及连杆的使用寿命。)
  • 12、The truck shows scarcely any sign ofwear and tear.(这辆卡车基本上没有什么磨损。)
  • 13、Outwardly our body sufferswear and tear, but spiritually we can be renewed every day by spending time alone with God.(我们外在的身体要毁坏,但灵命上能每天得到更新,只要花时间单独与神同在就行。)
  • 14、As there is no morewear and tear, every viewing is as good as the first.(而且不论观看多少遍,质量都和第一次观看一样出色,无磨损。)
  • 15、Reciprocating compressors are prone towear and tear during operation.(往复式压缩机在运行中容易磨损和断裂。)
  • 16、"Nothing lives for ever!" However, in this statement we think of artificially produced, technical objects, products which are subjected to naturalwear and tear during use.(“没有什么是永远存在的!”然而,在这个陈述中,我们想到的是人工制造的技术性物体和产品,它们在使用过程中受到自然磨损。)
  • 17、The vibrations cause rapidwear and tear—not to mention outright damage, especially to electronics.(这种震动导致快速磨损——更不要提直接损害,尤其是对电子设备。)
  • 18、I tell him Stallone enlightened Matt Lauer on the Today Show, that "it takes thewear and tear" from the body.(我告诉他说,史泰龙在《今日秀》节目中开导了马特·劳厄尔,说那“对身体损伤很严重的。”)
  • 19、But given time, the rail will take a lot ofwear and tear, and our system will scrutinise every small change at all times.(但假以时日,铁路将会遭到磨损,而我们的系统会始终仔细检查着每个细小的变化。)
  • 20、We add weathering,wear and tear.(我们加入风化,磨损和撕裂。)
  • 21、The insurance policy does not cover damage caused by normalwear and tear.(保险单不保正常使用所造成的坏损。)
  • 22、So we know that over time elevated levels of cortisol causewear and tear on the body.(所以我们知道过多的肾上腺皮质醇分泌会导致身体的损伤。)
  • 23、The insurance policy cover most damage but not fairwear and tear to the machine.(该保险单对大多数损坏投保但不保机器的自然损耗。)
  • 24、It actually even gives you alsowear and tear on the brakes.(它事实上也给刹车,造成了磨损和破坏。)
  • 25、But are thewear and tear and loss of function of technical objects and the death of living organisms really similar or comparable?(但是,技术品的磨损以及功能的丧失与生物体的死亡真的类似或者有可比性吗?)
  • 26、After substantialwear and tear on a hacksaw, our man finally through the strong steel cable.(在把钢锯结结实实地磨损了一番之后,我们的主角终于把粗大的钢缆切断了。)
wear and tear基本释义

wear and tear

英 [wɛə ænd tiə] 美 [wɛr ənd tɛr] 

磨损; 损坏,损耗; 消损
