
year(s) old

year(s) old造句

更新时间:2025-03-10 08:54:31

好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的year(s) old的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了13条year(s) old的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了year(s) old的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、I would never, I realized, be able to explain Jackson Pollock13 's work to my 16-year-old self.(我想我可能永远都无法向那个16岁的我解释清楚杰克逊·波洛克的作品。)
  • 2、This three -year-old girl 's Mrs. Smith "s daughter."(这个三岁女孩是史密斯太太的女儿。)
  • 3、They`re like flowers that never fade," 23-year-old Liu Wei told a raptaudience during a broadcast of the nationwide talent competition China`s Got Talent.(它们就像是从不凋零的花朵。”在全国播出的选秀节目“中国达人秀”中,23岁的刘伟面对热情的观众如是说。)
  • 4、Danny 's 13 year old son just started a company, they start with a small boss.(丹尼13岁的儿子干脆开了一家公司,自己做起了小老板。)
  • 5、The mother \ 's name was Yang Tongmei, and I met her while she rested underneath a tree with her 12-year-old son, Kangchun.(母亲的名字是杨彤梅(音译),我们碰到她的时候,她和12岁的儿子康晨(音译)正在一棵树下休息。)
  • 6、Debbie Feldman \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 's 20-year-old daughter, Samantha, is a sophomore at Oberlin in Ohio and plans to room with her Platonic friend Grey Castro, a straight guy, next year.(莎曼珊是黛比·菲尔德曼的女儿,今年20岁,在俄亥俄州奥伯林学院读大二。她正计划下学年和她男性朋友卡斯特罗合住。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 7、"We've an agreement," the 33-year-old Hedman told Swedish television channel TV4's website.(我们达成了协议,“33岁的海德曼告诉瑞典电视台TV4的网站。”)
  • 8、Rescorla, a 62-year-old retired and decorated U. s. Army colonel, had focused on security at the World Trade Center for years.(瑞思考勒,这位62岁退休的授勋陆军上校,多年前就开始关注世界贸易中心的安保问题。)
  • 9、Swaziland''s King Mswati III, the last absolute monarch in sub-Saharan Africa, has chosen an 18-year-old student for his tenth wife, according to a palace source.(据非洲小国斯威士的王宫透露,该国国王穆斯瓦蒂三世选了一个18岁的女学生做他的第10位妻子。)
  • 10、The 22-year-old Messi, the first Argentine to win the prestigious trophy, was the top scorer in last year "s Champions League with nine goals".(现年22岁的梅西是首位获“金球奖”的阿根廷籍球员。他凭借九粒进球成为去年欧冠联赛的头号射手。)
  • 11、According to scientists, LeBron has the body of a 19 year old. He "s not declining any time soon".(科学家透露表现,詹姆斯身体还是19岁,从那以后就没有下滑过。)
  • 12、In 1945, a 12-year-old boy saw something in a shop window that set his heart racing. But the price-five dollars-was far beyond Reuben Earle \ s means.(1945年,一个12岁的男孩在一家商店橱窗里看到一样令他心动的东西,但是——5美元——远不是鲁本·厄尔能付得起的。)
  • 13、Many critics had called 2008 a 'weak year', especially in contrast with 2007's crop of highly successful, but also critically acclaimed, movies such as No Country For Old Men.(很多影评人称2008年为“疲软之年”,尤其是与2007年相比,因为2007年有多部票房成功、评价也高的电影,如《老无所依》。)
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