好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的without prejudice to的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了24条without prejudice to的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了without prejudice to的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、without prejudice to the company's core business and the basic operation of circumstances, can be saved.(在不影响公司的核心业务和基本操作的情况下,可以保存。)
- 2、In connection with its appointment hereunder as administrator, the administrator shall,without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing.(在其根据本协议被委任为管理人方面,在不损害前文一般性的原则下,管理人须。)
- 3、without prejudice to influence others and the circumstances, everyone has the right to the pursuit of happiness.(在不妨碍及影响他人的情况下,人人都有追求快乐的权利。)
- 4、People's behavior is to maintain their own dignity,without prejudice to the freedom of others.(人的行为准则是,维护自己的尊严,不妨碍他人的自由。)
- 5、The need of clean,without prejudice to objects, not hurt the skin.(无需力擦,不损物体,不伤皮肤。)
- 6、This Standard iswithout prejudice to the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978, as amended (" STCW 1978 ").(本标准并不损害经修正的《1978年海员培训、发证和值班标准国际公约》(“1978年STCW公约”)。)
- 7、without prejudice to other rights and remedies of the Principal, the Contractor shall pay the Liquidated Damages to the Principal as set out in the Agreement.(在不损害委托方其他权利和赔偿的情况下,承包商还应按照本协议规定向委托方支付违约赔偿金。)
- 8、without prejudice to your powers and discretions, we hereby authorize you or your agents to take any actions including but not limited to the following: ……(在不影响您的权利和任意决定权的原则下,我们兹授权您或您的代理人采取包括但不限于下列的任何行动:……)
- 9、Although these works have traces of formalism, butwithout prejudice to the construction of our body to explore the performance of our new ideas and methods.(这些作品固然有着形式主义的痕迹,但不妨碍为我们探求建筑本体的表现力提供新的思路和方法。)
- 10、without prejudice to their outcome, the negotiations shall be comprehensive in scope, with no basic telecommunications excluded apriori.(在不损害谈判结果的情况下,谈判在范围上应全面,不预先排除任何基础电信。)
- 11、It must be understood that this concession is madewithout prejudice to any future decision of the committee.(必须明确,这次合作的让步对本委员会今后的决定不产生任何影响。)
- 12、Such provisional measures shall bewithout prejudice to the rights, claims, or position of the parties concerned.(此项临时办法并不妨碍关系当事国之权利、要求或立场。)
- 13、The provision, use and refund of the deposits shall bewithout prejudice to the ultimate liability of the contributing parties.(保证金的提供、使用或者退还,不影响各方最终的分摊责任。)
- 14、Oh, it waswithout prejudice to me!(哦,那表示你对我没有成见!)
- 15、If they understand the content of the article,without prejudice to how we can skip it and not to put too much effort to guess the meaning.(如果它们对理解文章内容无多大妨碍,我们完全可以跳过它,不要把精力过分地放在猜词义上。)
- 16、without prejudice to the Company's lien and other rights under Conditions 12.1 to 12.5 above, the risk and property in the goods shall remain at all times in the Principal.(在不影响上述第12.1至12.5条中本公司的留置权和其它权利的条件下,货物的风险和产权始终归属委托方。)
- 17、Such deposits and payments or refunds shall bewithout prejudice to the ultimate liability of the parties.(保证金的提供、支用或退还不影响各有关方的最后责任。)
- 18、The offer was acceptedwithout prejudice to the current pay negotiations.(该提议获得接纳,但对目前正在进行的工资谈判并无影响。)
- 19、The Contractor shall be entitled to this payment without formal notice, andwithout prejudice to any other right or remedy.(承包商应有权得到上述付款,无需正式通知,且不损害他的任何其他权利或对其补偿。)
- 20、The provision, use and refund of the cash deposit shall bewithout prejudice to the ultimate liability of the contributing parties.(保证金的提供、使用或退还,不影响各分摊方的最终分摊责任。)
- 21、Such protection, which shall not extend to the data or material itself, shall bewithout prejudice to any copyright subsisting in the data or material itself.(该保护不得延伸至数据或资料本身,并不得损害存在于数据或资料本身的任何版权。)
- 22、without prejudice to the speed of convergence, it can resolve the problems of local optimal and sensitivity to initial values.(在不影响收敛速度的情况下,它能够很好解决局部最优以及对初始值敏感的问题。)
- 23、The people living adjacent to act shall bewithout prejudice to the rights of others.(相邻的人居住行为不得损害到其他人的权利。) [hao86.com好工具]
- 24、The Buyer shall nevertheless have the right to cancel in part or in whole of the contractwithout prejudice to the Buyer's right to claim compensations.(买方有权撤销全部或部分合同,但并不妨碍买方向卖方提出索赔的权利。)