
up close

up close造句

更新时间:2024-08-28 12:12:02

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的up close的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了26条up close的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了up close的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、What becomes clear from far away that you can’t seeup close?(什么使遥远的,你不能看见的事物变得清晰可见?)
  • 2、A colorful iguana is capturedup close on Cozumel Island off the eastern coast of the Yucatán Peninsula.(在尤卡坦半岛东海岸外科苏梅尔岛上,一只色彩斑斓的鬣蜥被近距离捕捉到。)
  • 3、Now, getup close.(现在,照近一点。)
  • 4、I see this processup close when I interview the head of an auto parts factory over dinner.(当我在饭局上采访一位汽车配件公司的老总的时候我更确信了这点。)
  • 5、He cameup close, breathing alcohol fumes all over me.(他走过来靠近我,喷得我满身酒气。)
  • 6、They see themselves as pioneers, exploring the emerging superpowerup close.(他们视自己为先驱者,探索这个冉冉升起的超级大国。)
  • 7、Critics might say, yes, but is that what it really look likeup close?(评论家说,是的,但是这个在近距离看到底是个什么样的呢?)
  • 8、No? OK, it's really hard to see when you areup close. It's much easier from a distance.(没有?好吧,其实,在这么近的距离很难看到,远一点会好很多。)
  • 9、See one of the spiresup close - really close - at the 17th century Church of Our Savior.(近看其中一个塔尖——要非常近——这座建于17世纪的“我们的救世主”教堂。)
  • 10、I had the chance to view that organizationup close this month when I canvassed for him.(在为他拉票的这个月中,我有机会近距离地观察他的竞选机构。)
  • 11、Butup close they are every colour-red, grey, black-and-white, amber, tawny, SLATE.(不过,近距离看什么颜色的都有——红色的、灰色的、黑白的、琥珀色的、黄褐色的、暗天蓝色的等等。)
  • 12、up close, though, all is different.(虽然再往上就结束了,一切都不同了。)
  • 13、Macro photography is all about capturing thingsup close.(微距摄影主要指近距离捕捉事物。)
  • 14、I am honoured to have had the opportunity to see a Lynxup close and personal.(可是我很荣幸地能够有机会近距离看到这个猞猁。)
  • 15、Mr. Oprea, a friend of Mr. Litvinenko's, has experienced the threatup close.(奥仆雷尔是里文能克的朋友,他自己就经历过这种威胁。)
  • 16、You'll see the pervasive each closureup close.(您将看到非常普遍的each闭包。)
  • 17、Free markets and free societies always look messy and inefficient, especiallyup close.(从近处看时,自由市场和自由社会往往是紊乱跟无效率的。)
  • 18、up close, you can see that it's a steel sculpture of an eclectic bunch of subjects.(靠近了观察,你会发现它其实是一座不拘一格的钢制雕塑。)
  • 19、Rather, we looked goodup close.(更确切的说,我们接近于看上去很好。)
  • 20、One even made you seem to disappear, if you got rightup close to it.(有一面镜子甚至使你看起来就像消失不见了,如果你正对着走上前去的话。)
  • 21、up close you can reveal telling details, like a sprinkle of freckles or an arched eyebrow.(更接近时,您可以展示一些明显的细节,如雀斑或弓形眉毛。)
  • 22、up close, it seems a little all over the place, but from farther away, the true path shows and in the end it justifies all the turns along the way.(从近处看,每一个小点的决定都似乎影响甚微;但是从远处看,你能够得到一条最有效的路径。最终,我们能够发现沿途中的每个转弯都是正确的。)
  • 23、The new life formsup close, at five micrometers.(近窥新生命形式,在5微米的尺度下。)
  • 24、Watching bisonup close is mesmerizing, like watching a grass fire about to leap out of control.(近距离观看野牛令人着迷,就像观看一场即将失控的草原大火。)
  • 25、Driving from the airport through the outskirts of Ulan Bator, I saw my first gerup close.(从机场出来驶过乌兰巴托郊区,我第一次近距离见到了蒙古包。)
  • 26、Levinstein, who died in 1988, often shot his subjectsup close and at odd angles.(于1988年辞世的莱文斯坦常常用相机,以独特的视角近距离捕捉画面。)
up close基本释义