
turtle shell

turtle shell造句

更新时间:2024-06-24 11:47:03

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的turtle shell的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了18条turtle shell的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了turtle shell的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、Freshwater turtle of Chesapeake bay tributaries having red markings on the lower shell.(产于切萨皮克海湾的淡水龟,下面的壳上有红色的斑点。)
  • 2、In another game, as the turtle swims across the oceanarium, the first porpoises swoops down from above and butts his shell with his belly.(在另一次游戏中,当海龟游过水族馆时,第一只海豚从上方猛扑下去,并用腹部撞击龟壳。)
  • 3、Nearby, a box turtle shuffled through the fallen leaves and hissed into its shell when I sat up to take a closer look.(不远处,一只箱龟慢吞吞地在落叶间爬行,我坐起来想看个清楚,它就咝咝地缩进壳里去了。)
  • 4、Theturtle shell is strong enough to support the weight of a man.(海龟壳结实得可以承受一个人的重量。)
  • 5、The Murinsel, German for "Mur Island," is an upside downturtle shell in the river Mur in Graz, Austria.(德语里把“穆尔岛”称为“穆林·赛尔”。穆尔岛位于奥地利格拉茨市的穆尔河河面上,它看起来像一个底朝天的龟壳。)
  • 6、Andrew rose and walked slowly to the front of the room, carrying his note cards and theturtle shell.(安德鲁站起来,手里拿着草稿和龟壳慢慢朝体育馆的前方走去。)
  • 7、Result:2 kinds of counterfeitturtle shell and 3 kinds of counterfeit tortoise plastron were found, and their morphological and DTA identification features were proposed.(结果:发现鳖甲伪品2种,龟甲伪品3种,并提出鳖甲、龟甲类药材的形态和差热鉴定特征。)
  • 8、ph7: Um. That's a turtle, without its shell.(ph7:厄……是只没了壳的大龟。)
  • 9、He used the shell of a turtle as a cup. He got much more money than the others, but this did not trouble any of the beggars.(他把龟壳当作罐,他得的钱总是比其他人多,但这并不影响到其他乞丐。)
  • 10、Avoid all products and souvenirs made from animals, including all fur, ivory, shells, seahorses, teeth, rhino horn andturtle shell products.(拒绝一切用动物做成的产品和纪念品,包括皮草,象牙,贝壳,海马,动物牙齿制品,犀牛角和龟壳制品。)
  • 11、Your use ofturtle shell, yarrow divination, there is no an unlucky omen.(你用龟板、蓍草占卦,没有不吉利的预兆。)
  • 12、Pinky, a rare albino snapping turtle - who suffered malnutrition in his earlier years and now sports an oddly developed shell - is pictured at the Clinch Park Zoo in Traverse City, Michigan.(密歇根州特拉弗斯市克林奇公园动物园,拍到一张粉红色罕见的白化叩头龟。它早年受到营养不良的折磨,现在炫耀着发育奇特的壳。)
  • 13、A turtle that can't stick its legs and head out of its shell won't make it to the next pond.(龟的不能拘泥于它的腿和头部的外壳你不会让下一个池塘。)
  • 14、We discovered that the turtle remains consisted only of parts of the carapace and plastron (the shell and underbelly).(我们发现那具海龟尸体只剩下了部分背甲和腹甲。)
  • 15、The particular design of muscles and bones in the neck and limbs of the turtle allow that it can draw in its exposed parts such that an attacker can find nothing but hard shell to bite.(海龟颈部和四肢的肌肉及骨骼的特殊设计使它能把暴露在外的部分缩回去,这样攻击者只能去咬坚硬的外壳。)
  • 16、I saw a striped turtle slowly climb,turtle shell, there are many round spots.(我还看到一只斑纹龟在慢慢爬,龟壳上有许多圆圆的斑点。)
  • 17、The hawksbill turtle possesses a beautiful marbled shell, which has been exploited for thousands of years as the sole source of commercial tortoiseshell.(玳瑁海龟拥有漂亮的花纹龟壳,几千年来一直是商业龟甲的唯一来源。)
  • 18、I awoke and saw that I was holding too hard against my chest, the shell of a turtle.(我醒来,看到我贴近胸膛紧紧握着龟壳。)
turtle shell基本释义

turtle shell

英 [ˈtə:tl ʃel] 美 [ˈtɚtl ʃɛl] 

