


更新时间:2024-06-24 11:47:22

  • 1、How long have you been azookeeper?(您做饲养员多长时间了?)
  • 2、They weren't doing tricks for azookeeper, advertising glacier mints or pulling a white witch's sleigh.(它们不用为动物园老板做表演,不用为冰川薄荷糖做广告,也不用为女巫拉雪橇。)
  • 3、A Bolivia-born jaguar killed azookeeper at the Denver Zoo in 2007.(2007年,丹佛动物园中的一只玻利维亚产美洲虎咬死了一名动物管理员。)
  • 4、"Just like humans, penguins don't exercise much during winter. They become fat easily, " says azookeeper.(一个动物园工人说:“和人类一样,企鹅冬天不怎么运动,容易发胖。”)
  • 5、At the end of the day thezookeeper comes and gives the mime a raise for being such a good attraction as a gorilla.(在这天的末了,动物园管理员给这个哑剧演员加了薪水,因为这样一个大猩猩更有吸引力。)
  • 6、Just like human, penguins don't exercise much during winter. They become fat easily, says azookeeper.(动物园工作人员说:和人类一样,企鹅冬天不怎么运动,容易发胖。)
  • 7、Oh no! The animals from ABC zoo have escaped! Can you help thezookeeper put them back in their cages?(糟糕!ABC动物园内的动物逃走了!你可以帮工作人员把它们关进笼内吗?)
  • 8、The tiger escaped from the zoo because thezookeeper forgot to lock its cage.(老虎从动物园逃脱了,因为管理员忘了把笼子锁上。)
  • 9、Azookeeper feeds milk to a newborn giraffe at the zoo in Duisburg, Germany.(真好喝!德国杜伊斯堡动物园,动物园管理人员正在给一只初生的长颈鹿喂奶。)
  • 10、It sounds like you might like to be azookeeper, "Mr."(你是不是想当一名动物园饲养员呢?)
  • 11、Thezookeeper explains to the mime that the zoo's most popular attraction, a gorilla, has died suddenly.(动物园管理员对哑剧演员解释到,那只动物园里最受大家欢迎的、最能吸引游人的大猩猩突然死了。)
  • 12、zookeeper: Okay, usually. Occasionally they have a disagreement and we have to get a new monkey.(动物园管理员:一般而言,如果他们闹矛盾了,那就意味着我们要买一只新猴子了。)
  • 13、zookeeper is simple.(简单.)
  • 14、While I waited (for almost two hours), thezookeeper told me I might never get a shot of that.(但在等待的时候(几乎有两小时),饲养员告诉我不可能拍得到。)
  • 15、I'm pretty sure she is azookeeper.(我想她应该是这里的动物饲养员。)
  • 16、Rare newborn albino Pygmy Marmoset monkeys perched on azookeeper 's fingers.(稀有的新出生白子侏儒狨猴栖息在一位动物园管理员的手指上。)
  • 17、The performance aspects ofzookeeper means it can be used in large, distributed systems.(性能方面意味着它可以用在大型分布式系统。)
  • 18、Onezookeeper feeding. It's time for dinner!(一个动物管理员在为它们,到吃晚饭的时间了。)
  • 19、"As her life became more colourful she gradually forgot about cigarettes altogether," thezookeeper said.(动物园的饲养员说:“随着她的生活变的丰富多彩,她渐渐就把香烟抛至脑后了。”)
  • 20、An unobservantzookeeper is followed home by all the animals he thinks he has left behind in the zoo.(一个粗心的动物园管理员,他以为把动物们留在动物园了,可是它们却跟着他回家了。)
  • 21、My panda baby I am thezookeeper today.(我的熊猫婴孩我今天是动物园管理员。)
  • 22、zookeeper, a coordination service for distributed applications.(针对分布式应用程序的协调服务。)
  • 23、Clients connect to a singlezookeeper server.(客户端与一个单独的服务器建立连接。)
  • 24、Kim and Ken are twins, and they live at the zoo. Their father is thezookeeper. He has so many things to do.(基姆和凯恩是一对双胞胎,他们住在动物园里。他们的爸爸是动物园的管理员。他有许多事情要做。)
  • 25、As the Britishzookeeper who discovered virgin births in Komodos put it, rather like buses, you wait for ages and then loads of them come along all at once.(正如发现巨蜥单性生殖的英国的动物园管理员所描述的,像等公共汽车一样,等了好长时间,然后一群小蜥蜴就一股脑地都出来了。)
  • 26、zookeeper said: 'Baby Tango is currently rocking the redhead look, but it won't actually be ginger for very long.(动物园长说,“小猴宝宝现在是一头红发,但是这不会持续很久。”)


英 [ˈzu:ki:pə(r)] 美 ['zu:ki:pər] 

