


更新时间:2025-03-03 06:22:22

  • 1、Listen to the dialogue between an interviewer and azoo-keeper. Write the Numbers of the animals in the zoo and the feeding times.(听采访者与动物饲养员之间的会话录音,写出动物园里各种动物的数量及喂食时间。)
  • 2、Caption: Thankfully, Kira, a 5-day-old baboon, is fed on something less alcoholic by a keeper at the same zoo in Siberia.(描述:谢天谢地,西伯利亚同一动物园的饲养员给五天大的狒狒基拉喂的是不含酒精的东西。)
  • 3、Senior Tropical House Keeper at Newquay Zoo, Dan Garrick is an expert in feeding these greedy bullfrogs.(纽基动物园热带馆高级管理员丹·加里克是喂养这些贪婪牛蛙的专家。)
  • 4、A zoo keeper gave red wine to the monkeys because he believes it is a preventative measure against the H1N1 flu disease.(这些红酒是一个动物园管理员提供的,因为他相信这能预防甲流。)
  • 5、I may have dreamt the whole thing, but I could swear I heard on the news that Debbie, a tapir at Twycross Zoo, was pining away until a kindly keeper provided a TV and video.(特怀克·罗斯动物园的那只名叫黛比的貘日渐憔悴。直到有一天,一位好心的管理员为它带来了一台电视机和录相带。)
  • 6、This is thezoo-keeper. He feeds the animals.(这个是动物园看守员。他喂动物。)
  • 7、Mr. Zero, the zoo keeper.(零先生,动物园的管理员。)
  • 8、A keeper brushes a hippo's teeth at the Shanghai Zoo November 3, 2010.(在上海动物园,一位饲养员正在为河马刷牙。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 9、The following day at feeding time, they overpower their keeper, leap out of the cage, and run into the park outside the zoo.(到了第二天喂食的时候,他们制服了看守,跳出笼子,跑到动物园外的公园里去了。)
  • 10、A lioness has attacked and killed a 65-year-old South African zoo keeper at a farm owned by Johannesburg zoo.(约翰·尼斯堡动物园园的一座农场发生了母狮子袭击并杀死65岁饲养员的事故。)
  • 11、Set includes animals, zoo keeper, and large building bricks.(套装中包括动物,动物园管理员,大积木。)
  • 12、On the next page the zoo keeper gave Erny back to the girl, and Michener nodded his approval.(后一页中动物园管理员把恩尼还给了那个女孩,对此麦切纳点头表示同意。)
  • 13、The tiger had attacked and killed a zoo keeper.(那只老虎袭击并咬死了一名动物园饲养员。)
  • 14、I was like a keeper in the zoo distributing half-rations among magnificent animals.(在分配折半的口粮给一些巨大的动物吃。)
  • 15、A keeper here called and said that I needed to get to the zoo as soon as possible, that we had a panda cub.(一位饲养员告诉我必须尽快赶到动物园,因为我们有了一个熊猫幼仔。)
  • 16、A nine day old mona monkey is bottle-fed by its keeper on December 19, 2011 at the zoo in Magdeburg, eastern Germany.(在德国东部的马格德堡动物园里,一直9天大的白腹长尾猴正在用奶瓶喝奶。)
  • 17、Once there, he is told by a zoo representative that Marcel has died; however, an eccentric zoo keeper tells him Marcel was stolen and put into show business.(动物园的经理告诉他,马赛尔病死了;而一个神经兮兮的动物管理员提供线报说,马赛尔实际上已投身演艺圈。)
  • 18、When zoo keeper let them out, they would just romp and play.(动物管理员一把它们放出来,它们就会相互嬉闹和玩耍。)
  • 19、An elephant at West Midland Safari Park, UK, put its size to good use when it helped a zoo keeper start his car by giving it a shove, the Daily Telegraph reported.(据《每日电讯报》报道,日前,在英国西米德兰野生动物园,一头大象帮助一辆汽车脱离困境。)
  • 20、Knut and his keeper, Thomas Doerflein. The dedicated Doerflein has slept in the zoo since Knut was born in order to provide round-the-clock care.(克纳特和它的饲养员托马斯·多非恩在一起。全身心投入工作的多非恩自克纳特降生后一直住在动物园内,以便给克纳特提供全天候的照顾。)
  • 21、The zoo keeper simply gave the hawk a snake.(动物园管理员给老鹰一条蛇。)


