好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的word processing的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了29条word processing的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了word processing的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、The spreadsheet application is second only toword processing in terms of popularity.(就受欢迎程度而言,电子制表软件仅次于文字处理软件。)
- 2、Their advantage is that virtually every business already has aword processing tool.(其优势在于,几乎每个公司都已经有了文字处理工具。)
- 3、These editors hide all the HTML and give users an editing feel that's similar to aword processing application.(而这些编辑器则能隐藏所有HTML,使用户感觉起来像是在文字处理应用程序中进行编辑一样。)
- 4、Schubert's computer came with Open Office, aword processing software package that is compatible with Microsoft word.(舒伯特的计算机配有openOffice,一种兼容微软Office的字处理软件包。)
- 5、Other firms, including Google, provide web-based E-mail,word processing, spreadsheets and databases.(包括谷歌在内的其他公司则提供基于网络的电子邮件、文字处理、电子表格及数据库的其他服务。)
- 6、It may be possible for you to get a system that does a lot of other things in addition toword processing.(你可能会得到一个除了处理文字之外,还能做很多其他事情的系统。)
- 7、Users consume applications to satisfy a wide spectrum of needs, fromword processing to killing time.(用户使用应用来满足广泛的需求,比如文字处理或休闲等等。)
- 8、WYSIWYG editing makes yourword processing smoother and more flexible.(“所见即所得”编辑使你的文字信息处理更加顺畅和灵活。)
- 9、If you want to doword processing on it, good luck.(假如你想用它做文字处理,也祝你好运。)
- 10、After a few months of Scrabble and euchre, I decided it was time to introduce her toword processing.(妈妈玩了几个月的拼字游戏和纸牌游戏之后,我认定该向她介绍文字处理系统了。)
- 11、Anyword processing software or spreadsheet that lets you create various levels of indentation is fine.(使用任何字处理软件或电子表格都可以很好地创建各个任务级别。)
- 12、Writers are back to typewriters, forword processing is no more.(作家回到打字机时代,因为文字处理软件不存在。)
- 13、Rather, aword processing app, presentation software, spreadsheet software, and more.(您会想要一款文字处理软件,一款演示软件,还有一款电子表格软件,还要更多。)
- 14、More traditional (such asword processing) applications.(更多传统的(比如字处理)应用程序。)
- 15、Still, my résumé would look odd if it read, "Skills: proficient in French,word processing, thinking."(然而,我的个人简历中就会看起来很奇怪如果它是这样写的:“技能:精通法语,文字处理,思考。”)
- 16、Many temp agencies offerword processing courses to those with rusty office skills.(许多临时工中介机构为那些办公技能不熟练的人开设文字处理课程。)
- 17、For example, aword processing application might want to transfer text in RTF and plain text.(例如,某个字处理应用程序可能要传送rtf和纯文本格式的文本。)
- 18、One essential application, that every computer user needs, is a decentword processing software.(一款像样的文字处理软件是每个电脑用户的必备品之一。)
- 19、You can use aword processing application to perform similar actions to electronic documents.(可以用一个单词处理应用程序对电子文档进行同样的处理。)
- 20、A computer withword processing software.(一台装了文字处理软件的电脑。)
- 21、Adverts will run within the programs, including the flagshipword processing and spreadsheet apps.(Advert将会在程序中运行,包括一流的字处理和工作表应用程序。)
- 22、The same is true forword processing, spreadsheet programs, and so on.(同样的情况也适用于字处理、电子表格程序等。)
- 23、Is it very loosely structured, like aword processing document or a blog post?(数据的结构是否非常松散,比如字处理文档或blog文章?)
- 24、To capture the details you to use them along with aword processing tool.(为了捕获细节,需要将其与文字处理工具配合使用。)
- 25、If your primary needs areword processing and spreadsheets, there is little reason not to use OpenOffice.(如果您的主要需求就是文字处理和电子表格,则没有什么不理由不使用OpenOffice。)
- 26、The system is designed to be used in conjunction with aword processing program.(本系统是为与文字处理软件配合使用而设计的。) hAo86.com
- 27、A sophisticatedword processing and document layout program.(精致的字处理和文档布局程序。)
- 28、Could help end the secondary monopoly whereby Microsoft controls theword processing and office suite market.(可以有助于终结微软通过控制文字处理和办公套件而产生的次级垄断。)
- 29、For architecture: Much of the architecture of the system was done using standardword processing and drawing tools.(对于构架:这个系统的大部分构架是使用标准文字处理和制图工具完成。)