- 1、The biggest taboo is rice, noodles, etc, sugar and oilsstarchy foods, and all snacks.(最大的忌讳是米、面等淀粉类、糖类和油类食物,还有所有零食。)
- 2、Both men and women began eating morestarchy grains, such as corn and wheat, which contain sugars.(男女都开始吃更多含有大量淀粉的谷物,比如玉米和小麦,这些谷物含有糖。)
- 3、They should prevent high calories and high fat food such as Fried food and highstarchy food.(他们应该防止高热量和高脂肪食物,如油炸食品和高淀粉食物。)
- 4、While growing up, children are often told to brush after eating their favorite sugary orstarchy food or beverage.(虽然成长过程中,儿童常常告诉刷吃完自己喜爱的含糖或淀粉类食物或饮料。)
- 5、Dr. Russell Blaylock says it \ \ \ 's a double whammy because of high sugar content andstarchy carbohydrates.(RussellBlaylock博士说由于高糖含量和淀粉糖类所以它是双打击。)
- 6、Focus on healthful whole grains, beans andstarchy vegetables.(重点是那些健康的全谷类,豆类和含淀粉的蔬菜。)
- 7、For the royal weddings of the past, the celebratory crockery and linen in shops wasstarchy and deferential.(过去的皇家婚礼,商家里庆祝的陶器和亚麻布是古板而恭敬的。)
- 8、Ugali, Kenya.starchy substance that sticks to the roof of your mouth. A staple for many Africans.(产自肯尼亚,作为淀粉的替代品,这种食物会粘住你的上颚。这是在很多非洲国家是一种主食。) 【hao86.com好工具】
- 9、Bereft tof most nutrients except potassium, potatoes are way toostarchy for human health.(土豆中除了钾之外,大部分营养素都没有,对人体健康而言,土豆淀粉含量过高。)
- 10、Malnutrition, so often caused by sheer poverty, can be ameliorated with nutritious easy-to-grow vegetables to augment thestarchy local diet.(常常由极端贫穷造成的营养不良可以通过在当地多淀粉的膳食中增加富有营养、易于种植的蔬菜予以改善。)
- 11、However, they switched thestarchy and sweet liquid treats for a high calorie liquid and a low calorie liquid.(但是他们吧含淀粉和含糖的食物换成了高热量和低热量的液体。)
- 12、NB:starchy foods, such as whole grains, beans, and vegetables, are healthful foods, and the body is designed to use the glucose that they hold.(淀粉类食物,如天然谷物,豆类和蔬菜,都是健康食物,我们的身体能够利用它们所含的葡萄糖。)
- 13、Unlike the sweet corn of North America, Shandong corn is chewy andstarchy, often with a grassy aroma.(不同的是甜玉米的北美,山东玉米咬嚼和淀粉,往往草地的香味。)
- 14、Thestarchy food is great!(这儿淀粉类的食物不错!)
- 15、When dieting, avoidstarchy foods, such as bread or potatoes.(减肥时,不要吃含淀粉食品,例如面包和土豆。)
- 16、Potato is astarchy, tuberous crop. It's very adaptable, from fertile lowlands to the high mountains where little else will grow.(土豆是一种淀粉类,块根作物。适应性很强,从肥沃低地到很少植物存货的高山。)
- 17、The endosperm, thestarchy part of the grain left in refined products such as white flour, contains some protein and lots of carbs but few nutrients.(胚乳,谷物的主要淀粉部分,精制产品的主要组成部分(诸如白面粉),包含了一些蛋白质和大量碳水化合物,但只残留了少量养分。)
- 18、In this chapter, the author analyses the equilibrium in goods market, then establishes a general model onstarchy economic system.(在这一章里,作者还分析了产品市场的均衡,从而建立了一个关于封闭经济体系的一般均衡模型。)
- 19、Instead, opt forstarchy foods to increase your carbohydrate intake.(反之,选择淀粉类的食物可以增加碳水化合物的摄取。)
- 20、As much as possible, avoid high-starchy foods like pasta, pastries, breads and any foods loaded with white flour.(尽可能避免高淀粉含量的食物比如说意大利面、点心、面包还有其他用精白面粉做的食物。)
- 21、While corn is astarchy vegetable, it's only about 100 calories in a whole ear.(玉米是一种蔬菜,含淀粉,一只玉米仅含100卡路里。)
- 22、But a bigstarchy meal can give the body more glucose than it needs.(但是高淀粉的大餐会让你葡萄糖过剩。)
- 23、Printed menus you can eat:starchy vegetables are pressed into a paper-like texture and then printed with edible inks(印刷的菜单也可以食用。)
- 24、A low-carb diet limits carbohydrates - such as grains,starchy vegetables and fruit - and emphasizes dietary protein and fat.(低碳水化合物饮食限制碳水化合物——比如像谷物、淀粉类蔬菜以及水果——并强调膳食中的蛋白质和脂肪。)
- 25、Surprisingly, the mice preferred the "high effort" liquid from the first experiment, no matter if it wasstarchy or sweet.(奇怪的是,老鼠更喜欢在第一组试验中那些代表需要大量付出的液体,不论是含淀粉的还是含糖的。)
- 26、He eat too muchstarchy food.(他贪吃含淀粉多的食物。)