好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的squeeze out的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了25条squeeze out的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了squeeze out的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、Maybe you can stillsqueeze out a few drops from the dry lemon.(也许你还能从那个干柠檬榨出几滴汁来。)
- 2、Don't make them think you're going to squeeze them out of the market.(别让他们以为你正在市场上排挤他们。)
- 3、Squeeze the rose water out.(挤出玫瑰花露。)
- 4、Pleasesqueeze out the water in the towel.(请把毛巾里面的水挤出来。)
- 5、Can't you squeeze abundance juice out of those lemon?(你能否从那个柠檬中挤出更多的汁来?)
- 6、He would squeeze a lemon until all the juice ran into a glass. Anyone who could squeeze one more drop of juice out would win the money.(他能把一只柠檬内的汁全部挤出,如果有人还能挤出一滴来,他将赢得这笔钱。)
- 7、Mr Murdoch's tougher management will no doubtsqueeze out some cost savings.(默多克的强硬的管理层绝对需要成本节约计划。)
- 8、That's already pretty good, but we know there's more juice tosqueeze out of that.(这种转换的空间大小已经很好了,但我们知道还可以再缩减。)
- 9、I'll squeeze it in at lunchtime. I can just run out between meetings.(我可以用午休时间锻炼。开会间隙也行。)
- 10、You'll end up sorry you tried to squeeze that sorry out of him.(你最终反而会为自己试图把“对不起”这三个字从他嘴里挤出来而感到抱歉。)
- 11、To the bull body again hard, also can notsqueeze out a drop of milk.(往公牛身上再使劲,也挤不出一滴奶来。)
- 12、Squeeze the water out.(把水分压出去。) (hao86.com好工具)
- 13、In the normal work has the few fat paste tosqueeze out.(密炼机在正常工作中有少量油脂糊状物挤出。)
- 14、So, life so big, cansqueeze out any words, any any great and false things.(就这样,生活那麽大,可以挤掉任何言语,任何任何伟大而虚假的事物。)
- 15、You gotta sQueeze every drop of juice out of this experience.(这台机器能挤出更多的果汁。)
- 16、Lady Kew couldsqueeze out a tear over a good novel too.(寇女士对一本好的小说也能挤出泪采。)
- 17、The orange looks dry, but you may be able tosqueeze out a few drops.(这个橘子看起来焉了,但你也许能挤出几滴汁来。)
- 18、But ultimately, it represents the cash the company cansqueeze out of its sellers.(但最终,它代表了公司能够从卖家手中抽取的现金。)
- 19、I knew you are busy, can't yousqueeze out time to accompany me?(我知道你忙,难道你就不能挤出一点时间来陪我吗?)
- 20、And they squeeze 14% more out of their workers.(其雇用员工更是达到了总体的14%。)
- 21、No doubt Mr Murdoch's tougher management willsqueeze out some cost savings.(毫无疑问,默多克先生严苛的管理会节省一些成本。)
- 22、Squeeze the sponge so that all the water comes out.(捏紧海绵,把水挤出来。)
- 23、For a while, making baby ah tosqueeze out a few words in his mouth.(好一阵子,嘴里咿咿呀呀地挤出几个字。)
- 24、Gentlysqueeze out the extra water.(轻轻地挤出多余的水。)
- 25、I can neversqueeze out that last bit of toothpaste from the tube.(持续来自管的牙膏的一点点,我能不再紧握出。)