- 1、The tone of Attorney General Shutleff's subsequent Tweets seemstrident and unprofessional.(施特·莱夫总检察长随后的微博客的口气显得似乎既不专业又很刺耳。)
- 2、There was a long pause, which the inner devils filled withstrident laughter; then May freed herself from his arms and stood up.(一阵长时间的停顿。这时,内心深处的邪恶又发出刺耳的狂笑。后来,梅挣脱他的怀抱站了起来。)
- 3、In the 45-minute telephone interview Thursday night, Ms. Stone was at firststrident and then contrite about her remarks.(这次电话采访是在本周四晚上,长达45分钟,沙浪斯通首先情绪激动言语尖锐,接下来才对自己的评论表示后悔。)
- 4、Some writers have suggested that Egypt'sstrident rhetoric has hampered the spirit of co-operation between Nile states.(一些作家认为,正是埃及这种激进的言辞,妨碍了尼罗河国家之间的合作。)
- 5、The language in Ballmer's latest letter was markedly morestrident than in his first letter to the Yahoo! board, dated Jan. 31.(Ballmer最近这封信的言辞相较1月31日写给雅虎董事会的那封更为尖锐。)
- 6、In the final chapter, however, he adopts a far morestrident voice.(然而,在最后的章节中,它却采取了更为尖锐的表达。)
- 7、The way that the song ends, with repeated screams from Yorke, after a verystrident guitar led interlude.(歌曲结束时,Yorke在一段十分刺耳的吉他间奏后反复地嘶吼。)
- 8、The bluffstrident words struck the note sailors understood, and they cheered him lustily.(水手们听明白了他直率而粗鲁的话语,他们热烈地为他欢呼。)
- 9、Denunciations will only grow morestrident.(谴责只会让事态变得更加尖锐。)
- 10、I'm sympathetic to that view, but I think it's unnecessarilystrident.(我赞同这种看法,但是我想没有必要这么尖锐。)
- 11、He is astrident advocate of nuclear power.(他是发展核能的坚定拥护者。)
- 12、Demands for his resignation have become more and morestrident.(要求他辞职的呼声越来越强烈。)
- 13、She seemed oblivious tostrident British demands for the repatriation of EU powers.(她似乎已经忘记英国所提出的刻薄要求——将欧盟的权利重新划回各国。) (好工具hao86.com)
- 14、CNN, meanwhile, continues to lose out to its morestrident rivals, in prime time at least.(与此同时,CNN却不断被其更为尖锐的竞争对手攻城略地。)
- 15、This was their mother at her worst. Her voice wasstrident, she was ready to be angry at anyone.(这是他们的母亲最糟糕的情形。她声音刺耳,随时会对人发脾气。)
- 16、He was known as "The Hammer" for his tough approach to marshalling votes and hisstrident advocacy for conservative positions.(他在管制投票方面手段强硬,并极力倡导保守立场,在国会被冠之以“铁锤”之称。)
- 17、Those games saw a previouslystrident Arsenal pick up only one point.(那些比赛阿森纳仅拿到一分。)
- 18、She was increasingly seen as astrident feminist.(她越来越被人视为一个强硬的女权主义者。)
- 19、Its vowels include plain pharyngealisedstrident and breathy and they carry four tones.(元音包括简单音,咽音,刺耳音,气音,而且有四个声调。)