好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的swimming trunks的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了14条swimming trunks的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了swimming trunks的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、He was wearing nothing but a pair ofswimming trunks .(他只穿了一条游泳裤。请把我的箱子转运到火车站。)
- 2、I have two pairs ofswimming trunks.(我有两条游泳裤。)
- 3、Get yourswimming trunks on and start swimming!(让你的泳裤上,并开始游泳!)
- 4、He wore shorts for camp and trunks for swimming, but otherwise he was mostly in the dress.(露营时他穿短裤,游泳时他穿泳裤,但其余大部分时间里,他都穿着那条裙子。)
- 5、They didn't bring their swimming-trunks, but since they were all alone, they didn't care.(他们没带游泳裤,但是反正也没有别人,他们也就不在乎了。)
- 6、Don't forget yourswimming trunks, George.(不要忘记你的泳裤,乔治。)
- 7、James Bond: Really? Well, there's only one small problem, I have noswimming trunks.(詹姆斯·邦德:真的?有个小问题,莪没有泳裤。)
- 8、You should have seen him in hisswimming trunks—not a pretty sight!(你应该见识见识他穿游泳裤的样子—真是一景呢!)
- 9、He goes to a sports shop. There are T-shirts, shorts,swimming trunks, sandals and sports shoes in the shop.(他去了运动服店,在商店里有T恤衫、短裤、游泳短裤、凉鞋和运动鞋。)
- 10、He is wringing out the water from hisswimming trunks.(他正在把游泳裤中的水绞出来。)
- 11、There are T-shirts, shorts,swimming trunks sandals and sports shoes in the shop.(这店里有T-恤,短裤,游泳短裤,凉鞋和运动鞋。)
- 12、However, when summer finally does arrive, the British people like nothing more than packing their trunks and swimming costumes and heading for the coast.(无论如何,当夏活泼正的到来的时候,英国人任何东西异国比拿着他们的泳裤与泳衣出发去海边游玩更喜好的。)
- 13、He did not hesitate to swap hisswimming trunks for a suit, having been passed over for Coca-Cola's top job in 1997 and again in 2000—which had prompted his early retirement.(在1997年和2000年两度与总裁职位擦身而过——这促使了他提早退休——之后,他二话不说地舍弃了游泳短裤,换上一身西装。)
- 14、When the others went swimming my son said he was going in too. He pulled his dripping trunks from the line where they had hung all through the shower, and wrung them out.(别人去游泳时,我儿子说他也要去,扯下了暴雨时一直挂在绳上的游泳裤并把它拧干。) (hao86.com好工具)