- 1、Nanxiong ample sunshine and rainfall, the color of golden tobacco products, cigarette smokesweet-smelling, flammable gray, plain famous.(南雄日照充足,雨量充沛,所产烟叶色泽金黄,烟味醇香,易燃灰白,素负盛名。)
- 2、Car perfume make you your car, pick asweet-smelling beautiful chic scent-bottle will need to spend some of idea.(汽车香水令你您的车芳香四溢,挑上一个漂亮别致的香水瓶就需要花上些心思了。) Hao86.com
- 3、Example: "Pass thatsweet-smelling Turkey this way."(例子:“把那香喷喷的火鸡端过来。”)
- 4、With all thesesweet-smelling misty trees around she couldn’t sneeze, and who could cry with the golden apples of the Hesperides in her pocket?(这么多清甜的气息围绕着,她打不出喷嚏,而一个口袋里装着赫斯帕里得斯的金苹果的人是怎么也哭不出来的。)
- 5、God's mercy to 2 beloved, and the souls into the river, they also becomesweet-smelling narcissuses of god the daffodils.(上天怜悯二人的至情至爱,便将二人的魂魄化为江边水仙,她们也成为腊月水仙的花神了。)
- 6、Or, instead of a tree, some people have a small,sweet-smelling rosemary plant, cut to look like a little Christmas tree.(或者,有些人会用一棵小却很香的迷迭香,剪切成一颗小圣诞树的形状。)
- 7、In 1847, the Scottish physician Sir James Young Simpson first used thesweet-smelling, colorless, non-flammable liquid as an anesthetic.(在1847年,苏格兰的医生JamesYoungSimpson第一个使用氯仿-无色,甜味,不可燃的液体-作为麻醉剂。)
- 8、The researchers also placed asweet-smelling spray on grasses near other ponds. But that spray contained no boric acid.(研究人员也在其他池塘附近的草地上喷洒了一种有甜味的喷雾。不过这种喷雾中不含硼酸。)
- 9、And beautiful plants andsweet-smelling flowers grow in the Everglades. These include several kinds of the highly prized and rare flower, the orchid.(大沼泽上生长了许多美丽的植物和馨香的花朵,其中包括一些极其珍稀的花种--兰花。)
- 10、For example, they produced dogs ranging from poodles to Great Danes, and roses fromsweet-smelling miniatures to today's long-lasting, but scent-free reds.(比如,他们饲养犬类,从卷毛到大丹,他们种植玫瑰,从散发出甜美气味的小玩意到今天能长期保鲜且无气味的大红。)
- 11、Bulbs andsweet-smelling plants—but mostly roses.(球茎和发香的植物——很有可能是玫瑰。)
- 12、But for that spotless andsweet-smelling kitchen, what would it avail me to range my books and hang my pictures?(但是对于那个一尘不染的,闻起来甜甜的厨房,对我我整理书籍和挂油画有什么作用呢?)
- 13、Each one of us is to spread thesweet-smelling savor of the healing oil of Christ to this sick world.(我们每一个人,都有责任将基督医治膏油的芳香,散播给这个病态的世界。)
- 14、It comes when we remember nothing but clear skies, green fields, andsweet-smelling flowers.(它来的时候,我们只记得明朗的天空、碧绿的田野,还有芳香四溢的花朵蕧。)
- 15、Every day mother applied asweet-smelling salve to my legs.(母亲每天把一种有香味的油膏涂在我腿上。)
- 16、But there was no howling wind, I didn't also sense cold; what greeting to me was spring's warmness,sweet-smelling flowers and plants.(可是,我听不到风声,也没有寒冷的感觉;扑面而来的,却是春天的温暖和花草的芬芳。)
- 17、Then I would give you a bath and sprinkle you withsweet-smelling powder.(那么我会给洗澡,还给你撒上香香的粉。)
- 18、Hamburg, asweet-smelling ham is done, you will it?(一个香馥馥地火腿汉堡就完成啦,你会啦吗?)
- 19、Common people like cape jasmine because of its pure whitesweet-smelling flowers.(栀子花因花香四溢、洁白如玉而为世人喜爱。)
- 20、The oil squeezed out from the til is verysweet-smelling, and of high edible value.(这种胡麻榨出的油很香,具有很高的食用价值。)
- 21、Mom and I eat something of thesweet-smelling food, feel a little more warm.(我和妈妈吃起了香喷喷的饭菜,觉得心里暖和多了。)
- 22、The carton of milk was on top of a box of cherries, half spilled,sweet-smelling.(那盒牛奶搁在一箱车厘子上,一半已经泼洒了,芳香四溢。)
- 23、As a colorless,sweet-smelling liquid, DCA is used in the production of plastics.(作为一种无色、带着甜蜜香味的液体,常被用于塑料生产。)
- 24、Before her leaving, I said , pick a hank of roses to decrate your room, it will keep itsweet-smelling.(草了,临别时我说,采一束玫瑰点缀你的闺房,保证十里飘香。)
- 25、I want mysweet-smelling feet back.(我希望我的醇香英尺回来。)
- 26、Andsweet-smelling rosemary plants are hung on doors or cut to look like little Christmas trees.(芳香的迷迭香被挂在门上或者修剪成小圣诞树的形状。)