好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的surf the net的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了23条surf the net的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了surf the net的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、The Archos 5 media tablet: While pricey, and a tiny bit bulky it's absolutely what an Internet tablet should be: able to play music and video andsurf the net and get email.(Archos5媒体平板:虽然价格昂贵,而且有一点点笨重,这绝对是一个互联网平板应该有的样子:能播放音乐和视频、上网和收发电子邮件。)
- 2、We cansurf the net for some useful information.(我们可以上网查询一些有用的信息。)
- 3、Many cheap mobile handsets allow users to play video games andsurf the net.(许多廉价的移动手机允许使用者玩视频游戏和上网。)
- 4、Sometimes Isurf the net.(我有时候上网。)
- 5、With a multifunctional cell phone in hand, one can easilysurf the net, downloadingwhat he needs.(一款多功能的手机在手,人们可以方便得上网,下载需要的东西。)
- 6、I like sports, football,surf the net.(我喜欢运动,足球,上网。)
- 7、Everyday thousands peoplesurf the net.(每天成千上万的人上网。)
- 8、No one knows how many people currentlysurf the net.(没人知道现在有多少人在网上冲浪。)
- 9、I'm at my computer by 8:00, and i work until 6:00. around one o'clock, I take a lunch break and i"surf the net"to look at other web sites.(从早上8:00到下午6:00这段时间我在电脑前工作。中午我在一点是我的午餐休息时间。我会浏览其他网站。)
- 10、Computers are also set up for you tosurf the net to reach out to the world.(此外电脑上网博覧资料的设置也通备。)
- 11、Isurf the net all night today, and i met these two french friends BY MSN. I can't sighing with emotion:the globe is so small!(今天出来网吧通宵,在MSN上碰见这两个法国朋友,让我感慨万千:地球真小!)
- 12、Most of the risks come along when they provide personal information to hunt a job orsurf the net in public places.(大部分的风险出现时带给的个人信息搜寻工作或在公共场所上网。)
- 13、Hide your web surfing activities from prying eyes and snoops while using this website tosurf the net anonymously.(用这个网站匿名地冲浪吧,他可以把你的冲浪行为掩藏于窥探者眼皮底下。)
- 14、surf the net yourself.(你自己在网上冲浪吧。)
- 15、You will neversurf the net in the same way again.(你将永远不会上网的再次以同样的方式。)
- 16、I'd love tosurf the net, but my computer is a dinosaur.(我想上网冲浪,但我的电脑已过时了。)
- 17、You had tension that needed relief or you had a desire tosurf the net.(你的紧张情绪需要释放或着你想上网。)
- 18、Because you have not paid the fee of telecommunication, can'tsurf the net.(因为你没有交电信费,所以不能上网。用英语怎么说?。)
- 19、It is an efficient measures leading the students tosurf the net correctly.(是一种引导大学生正确上网的有效措施。)
- 20、I can plug it into a folding keyboard to type in message mode. I can evensurf the net.(还可以插上一个可折叠的键盘,这样就可以在短信模式下进行文字录入了。我甚至还可以用手机上网。)
- 21、surf the net leisure.(闲暇是别忘上网冲浪。)
- 22、I like tosurf the net to get all sorts of information.(我喜欢上网去获取各种信息。) 【hao86.com好工具】
- 23、Do you frequentlysurf the net?(你经常上网吗?)