
talk down to

talk down to造句

更新时间:2024-08-28 12:17:51

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的talk down to的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了24条talk down to的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了talk down to的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、We took our tea together; and afterwards she lay down on the rug, and told me not to talk, for she was weary.(我们一起喝茶;后来她躺在地毯上,叫我不要说话,因为她累了。)
  • 2、Mr Obama's loyalties, however, are post-tribal: he wants, characteristically, both sides to sit down and talk about it.(然而,奥巴马先生的忠诚是超越种族的:一个典型的事例是,他希望双方坐下来谈判。)
  • 3、Talk with children. Ask them questions. Answer theirs. Don'ttalk down to them with baby talk, but don't be too grownup either.(和孩子们交谈。你们可以互问互答。不要试图像哄婴儿一样去说服他们,更别像个大人的样子进行交谈。)
  • 4、How dare youtalk down to me like this?(你竟敢用这样高高在上的口气对我讲话?)
  • 5、It is unwise for a lecturer totalk down to his audience.(演说者自觉高人一等地向听众发表演讲是不明智的。)
  • 6、They should sit down to talk out their differences.(他们应该坐下来通过商谈来消除他们之间的分歧。)
  • 7、Never forget your audience. Don't talk over their heads, and don'ttalk down to them. Treat your audience with respect. They will appreciate your thoughtfulness.(别忘了你的听众们,尊重而不是贬低他们,他们才会支持认可你的观点。)
  • 8、People are busy, don't waste their time or yours by sitting down with nothing prepared to talk about.(每个人都很忙碌,不要浪费别人或自己的时间,毫无准备地坐在那无话可说。)
  • 9、I'm not a child any more. Don'ttalk down to me.(我不再是孩子了,别用这种态度跟我说话。)
  • 10、If you do nottalk down to a child, it will surely talk up to you.(如果你对一个小孩子说话不摆大人架子,他一定会对你坦白说话。)
  • 11、Don'ttalk down to coworkers, including subordinates.(不要用居高临下的口吻和同事说话,包括下属。)
  • 12、Don't talk over their heads ortalk down to them.(不要谈话在他们的头也不要谈话下来和他们。)
  • 13、If you do nottalk down to a child, it will assuredly talk up to you.(如果你对一个小孩子说话不摆架子,他一定会对你坦白。)
  • 14、Would you have one in authority over you scream at you andtalk down to you? I wouldn't.(你希望有个权威人事在你之上对你咆哮用高人一等的口气对你说话吗?)
  • 15、The pilot began to talk him down by giving instructions over the radio.(飞行员开始通过无线电发出指令,引导他安全着陆。)
  • 16、You'll never get the best price if youtalk down to them.(如果你想压倒他们,那你就永远也得不到最好的价格。)
  • 17、"Right now I am working on finishing JPA support with container-managed persistence," he told me when I sat down to talk to him just before Thanksgiving.(“我现在的工作是,借助容器管理的持久性来完成JPA支持”,感恩节前夕我坐下来跟他谈话时他这样告诉我。)
  • 18、Earlier this month, the six agreed to present Iran with an even more detailed offer of the goodies available if it suspends enrichment and sits down to talk.(本月早期,六国同意向伊朗提供更具体的好处来换取后者停止铀浓缩行动并座到谈判桌前。)
  • 19、Talk to a close friend or write down how you are feeling.(可以和身边的密友聊聊,也可以写下你的真实感受。)
  • 20、One of the easiest ways to help overcome your fear or inability to talk in therapy is to write down some things that are important to you to talk about before session.(要克服你不能在治疗中不能开口或是害怕开口,最简单的方法就是:在治疗开始前,事先写下一些对你很重要的谈话内容。)
  • 21、Theytalk down to us, as I'm sure the Teir 'dal do in Freeport about their half-elves.(而且我肯定自由港的泰尔达们对那些半精灵也一样!)
  • 22、She recently sat down with The Times to talk about her research.(她最近和时报谈论起她最近的研究。)
  • 23、He has to know as a professional lawyer, and what is more, he has to apply it on his feet, in the dark and rain, running down an alley after someone he wants to talk to.(作为一名职业律师,他必须知道,更重要的是,他必须把它实施在自己的脚上,在黑暗中,在雨中,在小巷里追着他想要谈话的人跑。)
  • 24、Try not totalk down to your employees.(尽量不要用居高临下的口气对雇员说话。)
talk down to基本释义

talk down to

英 [tɔ:k daun tu:] 美 [tɔk daʊn tu] 

