
take exception to

take exception to造句

更新时间:2024-08-28 12:18:01

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的take exception to的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了25条take exception to的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了take exception to的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、Not only will Client a receive an exception if it tries to roll back the transaction, but Client a cannot take corrective action because the transaction has already been marked for rollback.(客户机a在尝试回滚事务时,不仅会收到一个异常,而且客户机a还不能采取纠正操作,因为事务已经被标记为回滚。)
  • 2、There is one exception - if you go back to a former employer to work with that person again, you can take the position immediately.(有一个例外-如果你回到前雇主工作的人,您可以立即采取的立场。)
  • 3、Self-awareness is about identifying their own personal idiosyncrasies — the characteristics that executives take to be the norm-- but actually represent the exception.(自我意识关系到分辨自身特有的习性,而领导者往往将这种特性视为理所当然,可实际上只是特例。)
  • 4、Rooney is the exception you can afford to take a chance with.(鲁尼是一个例外,你要给他一个机会留队。)
  • 5、No one could possiblytake exception to his comments.(任何人都不可能对他的意见提出异议。)
  • 6、You would not be able to take corrective action on an exception.(不能够对异常采取纠正操作。) (好工具
  • 7、Now take a second to think about exception-handling.(现在,再来考虑一下异常处理。)
  • 8、I take great exception to the fact that you told my wife before you told me.(你还没告诉我就先对我妻子讲了,为此我非常生气。)
  • 9、I take great exception to having such poor service here.(我对这儿糟糕的服务表示强烈的不满。)
  • 10、When a native makes a call to a JNI method, an exception can be raised, but it's up to the native to check for exceptions and take appropriate action.(当某个本机方法调用某个JNI方法时会出现异常,但检测异常并采用适当措施的工作将由本机来完成。)
  • 11、I believe that sometimes you and I also run into people who misunderstand us ortake exception to something we do or say.(我想,您和我有时候也会遇到一位对我们不理解、对我们有意见的人。)
  • 12、Normally it is forbidden to take photos there, but they have made an exception for him.(一般而言,这里是禁止进入和拍照的,但他们为他破了一回例。)
  • 13、I must say I take great exception to what you said.(我得说我对您说的话十分反感。)
  • 14、Wetake exception to this question.(我方对问题有异议。)
  • 15、Contains options that specify what action the SQL persistence provider should take when it receives an exception when trying to lock an instance.(包含一些选项,这些选项指定,如果SQL持久性提供程序在尝试锁定实例时收到异常,它应采取什么操作。)
  • 16、If you wish to handle this exception yourself you may, otherwise Indy will handle it and take the appropriate actions for you automatically.(您可以以您自己的方式处理这个异常,否则的话Indy组件将会处理这个异常并且为您实现正确的处理。)
  • 17、Alright, we will take this transaction as an exception and accept your request, to hold arbitration in Sweden.(好的,我们就破例接受你们的要求,同意在瑞典进行仲裁。)
  • 18、So it should be clear that in order to avoid parallax, it is important to take all images from the same viewpoint. But there is one exception.(所以应该明确,以避免视差,这是重要的是要考虑所有的图像从同一观点。但有一个例外。)
  • 19、People from all walks of life, with no exception to me, take a pride in being Chinese and your fellow countrymen.(来自各行各业的人士,包括我在内都以自己作为一个中国人和您的同胞而感到万分自豪。)
  • 20、To take exception for viewpoint in the literature【1】and【2】, For reader reference.(本文对于文献【1】和【2】中提到的一些观点提出了异议,供大家参考。)
  • 21、But, do Itake exception to the inference that I am.(但是,对于我这一说法,是否可做个例外呢?)
  • 22、In this case, if an exception occurs, the exception will take longer to handle.(在此情况下,如果发生异常,将需要更长的时间处理。)
  • 23、One exception is a very unusual, now shuttered gas station more akin to an airplane, or a space ship about to take off.(有一个例外是一家已经关闭的怪异加油站,像一架飞机,或者说像一架正准备起飞的太空飞船。)
  • 24、So from the theory, all behaviors of the individuals and masses have to take Yi as presupposition, and there is no exception in the aspects of making 'benefit'.(因此在理论上讲,个人、集体的行为都必须以行“义”为前提,当然,在取利方面也不应例外。)
  • 25、In the next installment, we'll take a look at yet another very common bug pattern that manifests itself as a null-pointer exception, how to recognize it, and how to avoid it.(在下一个部分,我们将还要注视另外一个非常普遍的,也被证明是一个空指针异常的错误类型,以及怎样识别它和避免它。)
take exception to基本释义

take exception to

英 [teik ikˈsepʃən tu:] 美 [tek ɪkˈsɛpʃən tu] 

反对; 表示异议
