好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的take an interest in的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了24条take an interest in的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了take an interest in的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、Wetake an interest in various kinds of Men's shirts.(我们对各式男式衬衫感兴趣。)
- 2、Newspapers and magazines started totake an interest in her and reporters started to write about her.(报纸和杂志开始对她产生了兴趣,记者也开始撰写报道。)
- 3、When I was three, I started totake an interest in music.(三岁的时候,我就对音乐很有兴趣了。)
- 4、'But isn't it very hard totake an interest in things-things like stars-living this life?'(可是过着这种日子,岂不是很难对有些事情感兴趣,比如星星什么的?)
- 5、I didn't go in for poetry seriously, but now I'm beginning totake an interest in it.(我平昔对诗歌很少研究,现在开始感到一点兴趣了。)
- 6、Then try to convince us totake an interest in this subject also.(接着会试图说服我们采取一个对这门学科的兴趣。)
- 7、Read what they're reading -take an interest in your child's hobbies and interests.(读他们读的书——对你孩子的业余爱好和兴趣感兴趣。)
- 8、That is how I first came totake an interest in the message of the tape.(这就是我对行情信息发生兴趣的开始。)
- 9、Well, you got totake an interest in something.(咳,你得有一样兴趣。)
- 10、It is so wonderful of you totake an interest in our little show.(你真是太好了,对我们小小的演出感兴趣。)
- 11、The students in Grade Onetake an interest in learning Go For It.(一年级的学生对学习《新目标》很感兴趣。)
- 12、take an interest in whatever happens, whether good or bad.(对所发生的任何事物要兴趣盎然,无论好与坏。)
- 13、It is no use starting late in life to say: 'I willtake an interest in this or that.(到了晚年才开始说:“我会对这个或那个发生兴趣”,已没有用了。)
- 14、I have been very lucky to have excellent TAs who reallytake an interest in their teams.(我很幸运的得到了几位出色的助教,他们对他们所带领的团队很负责任。)
- 15、But times change, and Mr MacAdams's outfit is now one of several thattake an interest in the river.(但是时代改变了,克亚当斯的机构现在是多个对这条河感兴趣的组织中的一个。)
- 16、Do youtake an interest in this affair?(您关心这件案子吗?)
- 17、I knowed he wouldtake an interest in this kind of business, and throw in the fancy touches.(我知道,他对这类玩意儿肯定会兴趣十足,搞出些异想天开的点子来。)
- 18、Youtake an interest in other people and make them fell welcome.(你要尊重别人的爱好让他们感觉自己是受欢迎的。)
- 19、Do your parentstake an interest in your friends?(你的父母有兴趣了解你的朋友吗?) 【hao86.com好工具】
- 20、I alwaystake an interest in any of my players.(我经常关注其它我的球员。)
- 21、take an interest in your friends' habits that are different from your own.(对朋友们的那些不同与自己的习惯保持兴趣。)
- 22、It was strange a man of his mettle shouldtake an interest in a little maid .(这么一个气概不凡的人,居然对一个小姑娘发生兴趣,这实在不可思议。)
- 23、Everyone shouldtake an interest in the children, give them little presents.(老师应该对孩子有兴趣,送他们一些小礼物。)
- 24、If youtake an interest in English, you'll learn English fast.(如果你对英语产生兴趣,你就会很快学会。)