
thanks to

thanks to造句

更新时间:2024-07-01 11:55:59

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的thanks to的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了27条thanks to的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了thanks to的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、thanks to a new directive, food labelling will be more specific.(由于官方的一项新指令,食品标签将会更明确具体。)
  • 2、thanks to God, I'm fine, and very happy.(感谢上帝,我很健康,而且我也很高兴。)
  • 3、thanks to its Ethernet card, you can link straight into your network at the office.(多亏有它的以太网卡,你能在办公室直接连入网络。)
  • 4、How can I ever express mythanks to you for all you've done?(对你所做的一切,我怎么才能表达谢意?)
  • 5、thanks to your help, I have made continuous progress in math.(多亏了你的帮助,我在数学上不断取得进步。)
  • 6、It was all a great success—thanks to a lot of hard work.(由于尽心竭力,这才大获成功。)
  • 7、thanks to mobile libraries, these people can still borrow books.(由于有了移动图书馆,这些人仍然可以借书。)
  • 8、Butthanks to you, we won't do it again.(但还是感谢你,我们不会再这样做了。)
  • 9、thanks to the angle at which he stood, he could just see the sunset.(多亏他站的角度,他刚好能看到日落。)
  • 10、She preceded her speech with a vote ofthanks to the committee.(她讲话的开头是对委员会的鸣谢。)
  • 11、We offerthanks to God in advance.(我们要预先感谢上帝。)
  • 12、It isthanks to this committee that many new sponsors have come forward.(多亏这个委员会,才来了这么多新的赞助商。)
  • 13、I want to express mythanks to you for coming again!(我想对您再次光临表示感谢!)
  • 14、Now,thanks to the Shoe Factory, the dream is realized.(现在,多亏了这家鞋厂,这个梦想实现了。)
  • 15、thanks to his salty coffee, I'm full now!(多亏了他那杯咸咖啡,我现在饱了。)
  • 16、thanks to the help of a friend, my grandfather got a job.(多亏一个朋友的帮助,我祖父找到了一份工作。)
  • 17、I would like to propose a vote ofthanks to our host.(我提议向我们的主人表示感谢。)
  • 18、I want to saythanks to our foreign teachers.(我想感谢我们的外教!)
  • 19、thanks to our hard work, we can fulfil the task on time.(托赖大家的努力,才能按时完成任务。)
  • 20、They want to expressthanks to some filmmakers.(他们想向一些制片人表示感谢。)
  • 21、thanks to your help, we accomplished the task ahead of schedule.(亏得你们帮忙,我们才提前完成了任务。)
  • 22、thanks to Guy Pierce.(感谢盖伊·皮尔。)
  • 23、Manythanks to all and allow me to say today: Viva España!(非常感谢所有人,今天我要说:活着,西班牙!)
  • 24、thanks to all of you.(谢谢所有的人。)
  • 25、Andthanks to everybody.(谢谢所有人。)
  • 26、thanks to both of you very much.(非常谢谢你们两位。)
  • 27、They were already under stress,thanks to the aftershock of last year's drought.(去年干旱的余波已经给他们造成压力了。)
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