好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的the Indian Ocean的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了27条the Indian Ocean的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了the Indian Ocean的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、The Chagos Islands ofthe Indian Ocean are a military zone, too.(印度洋的查戈斯群岛也是一个军事区域。)
- 2、The bathyscaphe has plumbed the depth ofthe Indian Ocean.(深海潜水器探测印度洋的深度。)
- 3、So the pirates are being forced to venture ever farther out intothe Indian Ocean to seize their booty.(因此海盗们不得不冒着风险远离海岸线,深入到印度洋去寻找下手的船只。)
- 4、The decline is seen in most parts of the world, one marked exception beingthe Indian Ocean.(这种下降存在于大部分海洋,但印度洋是个明显的例外。)
- 5、India is voicing concerns about China's growing influence inthe Indian Ocean region.(印度对中国在印度洋地区日益扩大的影响表示关注。)
- 6、It is difficult to see how the theory applies to the plate between the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and the ridge inthe Indian Ocean.(很难看出这个理论如何适用于大西洋中脊和印度洋脊之间的板块。)
- 7、Many voyages were made tothe Indian Ocean during that period.(这段时间很多人航海去印度洋。)
- 8、If you look atthe Indian Ocean, it's fascinating.(如果你看一看印度洋,你就会迷上它。)
- 9、SOME natural disasters, likethe Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004, strike out of the blue.(某些自然灾害突如其来毫无防备,比如2004年印度洋海啸。)
- 10、India and China vie for influence inthe Indian Ocean, Russia and China compete in Central Asia.(印度与中国争夺在印度洋的影响力,而俄罗斯与中国争夺在中亚的影响力。)
- 11、This image shows both internal waves and surface waves onthe Indian Ocean near the Andaman Islands.(这张图片显示了印度洋安达曼群岛附近的内波和表面流。)
- 12、We captured them as they were touring inthe Indian Ocean.(他们在印度洋航行时被我们抓住了。)
- 13、Its navy, like China's, has been rushing to secure friendly staging-posts aroundthe Indian Ocean.(与中国一样印度早已经派海军去周围友邦确保其中转站的安全。)
- 14、The shadow then swept over Uganda, Kenya, and Somalia before moving overthe Indian Ocean.(日食阴影进入印度洋之前,掠过了乌干达、肯尼亚、索马里。)
- 15、Fueling the monsoons' intensity are warmer-than-usual temperatures in and abovethe Indian Ocean.(使得此次季风这般强劲的,是印度洋上空超出往常的高温。)
- 16、Even if they hugged the African coastline, they had little chance of surviving a crossing ofthe Indian Ocean.(即使他们沿着非洲海岸线航行,也几乎无法穿越印度洋。)
- 17、Tens of thousands more perished in a dozen countries surroundingthe Indian Ocean.(印度洋周边的数十个国家有上万人罹难。)
- 18、The island of Sri Lanka, lies withinthe Indian Ocean, with the Bay of Bengal to the northeast.(斯里兰卡岛,位于印度洋内,东北边是孟加拉海湾。)
- 19、Fleeing on a French warship crossingthe Indian Ocean, Le Gentil saw a wonderful transit, but the ship's pitching and rolling ruled out any attempt at making accurate observations.(勒让蒂乘坐一艘法国军舰横穿印度洋逃亡时看到了一次壮观的凌日现象,但船剧烈摇晃,使任何准确观测的尝试都以失败告终。)
- 20、While there are now regional warning centers inthe Indian Ocean, there are none in the Mediterranean.(印度洋上已经设置了预警中心,但地中海地区还没有行动。)
- 21、Afterthe Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004, some areas reported increased mosquito activity.(在04年印度洋大海啸过后,若干地区报道有蚊子活动增强。) hAo86.com
- 22、This species is found in coastal waters aroundthe Indian Ocean.(在环印度洋沿岸的海域有这一物种。)
- 23、But from the populated parts ofthe Indian Ocean archipelago the news is more worrying.(但是从这个印度洋群岛人口稠密地区传来的消息就很令人担心了。)
- 24、A shot inthe Indian Ocean might, then, generate a huge electromagnetic pulse over Moscow.(如果是发生在印度洋上空,这些会在莫斯科上空产生强大的电磁场脉冲信号。)
- 25、Natural disasters such as the earthquake that triggeredthe Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004 have also caused reef loss.(诸如2004年触发印度洋海啸的地震这样的自然灾难也会导致珊瑚礁损失。)
- 26、Two studies released this year on patterns of sea-level rise inthe Indian Ocean are a case in point.(例如在今年发布的两个关于印度洋海平面上升规律的研究就是这样。)
- 27、Their effect may be merely to shift the problem from the Gulf of Aden tothe Indian Ocean.(它们的作用可能只是将问题从亚丁湾转移到印度洋。)