
test out

test out造句

更新时间:2025-03-03 06:27:10

好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的test out的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了27条test out的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了test out的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、Now you'lltest out a trigger tag, as shown in Listing 19.(现在测试一个trigger标记,如清单19所示。)
  • 2、But the Moon offers a great local totest out human missions to Mars.(但对于人类的火星使命来说,月球是个伟大的试验场。)
  • 3、They opened a single store in Europe totest out the market.(他们在欧洲开了一家商店,检验一下市场情况。)
  • 4、Minimum effort to put something out there, so you cantest out whether your intuition was right, validate your ideas.(用最小的付出得到产出,这样就能测试当初的直觉正确与否,验证想法是否可行。)
  • 5、It might have been better to move some of thetest out into fixtures.(最好将一些测试转移到装备中。)
  • 6、Theytest out new ideas, behaviors, or approaches.(实验也可以对那些新的想法,行为或是方法做出检验。)
  • 7、We couldtest out life support, the growth of crops, the radiation environment and more.(我们可以实验生命维持系统,谷物的生长,辐射环境以及更多。)
  • 8、Boot up your Web server andtest out the JSP page for yourself!(重新启动Web服务器并测试自己的JSP页面!)
  • 9、Of course, to reallytest out the tracking, you need to change the location.(当然,要实际测试追踪,需要改变位置。)
  • 10、You will thentest out the ODR to make sure that requests are routed correctly.(您然后要测试ODR,以确保对请求进行了正确的路由。)
  • 11、Races allow you to practise running in crowds,test out your fuelling strategy and get to grips with pre-race nerves.(比赛可以为你提供在人群中跑步的练习、测试你的补充体力策略和绷紧比赛前的神经。)
  • 12、Thanksgiving is an ideal time totest out new vegetarian recipes that could quickly become everyday favorites.(随着素食食谱渐近成为食物宠儿,感恩节可是试验新配方的良机!)
  • 13、You will now start a process instance andtest out the Enter Request Data activity.(现在,启动一个流程实例并测试EnterRequestData活动。)
  • 14、You'll also need totest out your design ideas.(您还需要测试您的设计思想。)
  • 15、After the code changes are made I need to start the server so that I cantest out the HelloWorld application.(代码更改后需要启动服务器,这样才能测试HelloWorld应用程序。)
  • 16、The easy way totest out your new library is to build and run one of the samples(测试新库的方便方法是编译并运行一个例子)
  • 17、Then, we'll be ready totest out LVM and get the most out of it.(然后,我们准备对LVM做一些测试来充分了解它。)
  • 18、Now it's turned into a fun way totest out the Arduino boards.(现在,这成了Arduino开发板的一个好玩的应用。)
  • 19、Or are you waiting for cancer totest out how much you want to live?(难道你还在等待癌症来测试你到底多想活下去?) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 20、Totest out and run the PDF viewer application, complete the following steps.(要测试和运行PDf查看器应用程序,请完成下列步骤。)
  • 21、You cantest out the page by simply filling out the form and pressing Add Message.(填写表单并单击addMessage,可以测试该页。)
  • 22、Sample OData online services (northwind, etc) - open a browser andtest out an OData service.(示例OData在线服务(Northwind等等)——打开浏览器就可以尝试OData服务。)
  • 23、Totest out a phone-based application, you obviously need a phone, and that implies a number to call.(为了测试基于电话的应用程序,您显然需要一台电话,这就意味着一个呼叫号码。)
  • 24、We are going to add RESTdoc comments to our Groovy scripts so we cantest out our HTTPD interface.(我们要将RESTdoc注释添加到groovy脚本中,这样就可以测试我们的httpd界面。)
  • 25、I've already got a chance totest out the public health insurance.(我已经得到机会测试公共健康保险。)
  • 26、Zeigarnik went back to the lab totest out a theory about what was going on.(蔡加尼克回到实验室对这一现象进行测试看看会发生什么。)
  • 27、We are now ready totest out the code.(现在我们已经准备好测试代码。)
test out基本释义

test out

[test aut] 

