
the Rocky Mountains

the Rocky Mountains造句

更新时间:2024-12-30 07:46:07

好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的the Rocky Mountains的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了22条the Rocky Mountains的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了the Rocky Mountains的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、He wanted to know what lay beyondthe Rocky Mountains.(他想知道在落基山脉那边有什么。)
  • 2、ain clowds move over a burning wildfire in the foothills ofthe Rocky Mountains on September 8, 2010 near Boulder, Colorado(2010年9月8号,科罗拉多州博得附近,雨云群飞过野火肆虐的基山脉的山麓小丘上空。)
  • 3、The unembellished dry-stack stone walls and rough-hewn wood plank ceilings highlight the organic textures ofthe Rocky Mountains.(该未装饰的石墙和粗凿磨木材木板天花板突出了有机材质的洛基山脉。)
  • 4、Maria: Yes. I've kayaked on the Colorado River, and I've camped inthe Rocky Mountains many times.(玛丽亚:是的,我曾去科罗拉多河上漂流过,我还在落基山脉上野营过许多次。)
  • 5、To our north towered the Crazies, an extension ofthe Rocky Mountains.(在我们北边耸立的群山是落基山脉的一部分。)
  • 6、Explorers visited the camp. They told Brigham Young about a great salt lake in a wide valley on the western side ofthe Rocky Mountains.(有一些探险者拜访他们的营地,他们对百翰。杨说,在洛基山脉西侧有一个很大的山谷,在那山谷中有一个很大的盐湖。)
  • 7、Glacier National Park contains some of the most beautiful, primitive wilderness inthe Rocky Mountains.(在落基山脉的国家冰川公园中仍可见到一些最美丽,最原始的荒野景色。)
  • 8、the Rocky Mountains are littered with ghost towns that were once thronged with men mining silver, lead or uranium.(落基山脉一度涌入大批的采矿者,进行银矿,铅矿以及铀矿的开采活动,而现在已经是遍布垃圾,沦为城市的废墟。)
  • 9、The prairieslie in the eastern rain shadow ofthe Rocky Mountains. Almost all theirrivers flow eastward from the Rockies.(大草原坐落在落基山脉的东部雨影区,其上河流几乎全部发源自落基。)
  • 10、If such an earthquake happened today, it would be felt fromthe Rocky Mountains to the Atlantic Ocean and would flatten most of the cities in the Mississippi valley.(如果今天发生这样的地震,从落基山脉到大西洋都会有震感,而且会把密西西比河谷的大部分城市夷为平地。)
  • 11、All are oil and gas firms, whose towers form the city's dramatic skyline, set against the backdrop ofthe Rocky Mountains.(所有这6家公司都是石油和天然气企业,在落基山脉背景的映衬下,这些公司总部的大楼构成了这座城市令人印象深刻的天际线。)
  • 12、A wildfire burns through the foothills ofthe Rocky Mountains on September 8, 2010 near Boulder, Colorado.(2010年9月8号,科罗拉多州博得附近野火烧遍落基山脉的山麓小丘。)
  • 13、The Garden of the Gods Club & Resort sits atop a low mesa near the base ofthe Rocky Mountains in Colorado Springs.(众神花园俱乐部度假村坐落在一个低台面附近的落基山脉的基地在科罗拉多斯普林斯。)
  • 14、They are called "prairie" houses, after the flat expanses of land between the Mississippi River andthe Rocky Mountains.(这些房子被称为“大草原”住宅,这个名字源自于密西西比河及洛矶山脉两地之间的平坦、广阔的土地。)
  • 15、One chilly night when I was hiking inthe Rocky Mountains with some students, I mentioned that we were going to cross a mountain stream.(一个寒冷的夜晚,当我和几个学生在落基山脉徒步旅行时,我提到我们将要渡过一条山间小溪。)
  • 16、Other mobile belts include the North American Cordillera, which includesthe Rocky Mountains and Sierra Nevada, and the Himalayas.(其他活动地带包括有北美的科迪勒拉(Cordillera)(其中有洛基山脉(RockyMountains)和内华达山脉(SierraNevada))和喜马拉雅山脉。)
  • 17、Lying between the Appalachian Mountains andthe Rocky Mountains is one of the world's great continental rivers — the Mississippi.(位于阿巴拉契亚山脉和落基山脉之间的是世界上大陆长河之一——密西西比河。)
  • 18、the Rocky Mountains.(洛矶山脉。)
  • 19、Central time is an hour later than the time inthe Rocky Mountains.(中部标准时间比洛矶山时间迟一个小时。)
  • 20、This is Niagara Falls. These arethe Rocky Mountains.(这是尼亚加拉大瀑布。这些是落基山脉。)
  • 21、As I approachedthe Rocky Mountains, I was sad, disappointed, weary, self-doubting.(就在我接近落基山脉的时候,我又伤心又失望、既疲惫不堪还缺乏自信。)
  • 22、I was working the overnight shift in a remote hospital inthe Rocky Mountains.(我在落基山脉一家偏远的医院值夜班。)
the Rocky Mountains基本释义