
touch up

touch up造句

更新时间:2024-08-28 12:16:03

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的touch up的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了25条touch up的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了touch up的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、touch up zones can be nested to provide unlimited artistic control.(建立区的触摸可以嵌套提供无限的艺术控制。)
  • 2、He asked the teacher totouch up his picture.(他请老师把他的画修改一下。)
  • 3、And famously, Turner used the time not totouch up his work but often to paint entire canvases almost from scratch.(透纳出名的是,他不是用这个时间来润色,而是经常几乎从头画起。)
  • 4、No one would want an author to walk away from authentic evidence, totouch up or romanticize Mary Lincoln's portrait.(谁也不会要求一位作家不顾确实可靠的证据,把玛丽·林肯的形象加以美化或使之富有浪漫传奇色彩。)
  • 5、Shall Itouch up your hair today?(要不要今天给您把头发修一修?)
  • 6、Tiles. Check tiles and grout andtouch up/repair where there are cracks or pitting.(瓦片。检查一下瓦片和灌浆。有开裂或蚀损的地方要维护\修补。)
  • 7、Shall ltouch up your hair today?(要不要我今天给您把头发修一修?)
  • 8、This way I can achieve a good quality in for work, and keep the creativity energy till the finaltouch up.(我尽我所能的快速完成草图和粗模,这样我就能使作品达到一个较好的质量,使我保持那种创造力,直到后期的润色。)
  • 9、Anti-corrosion treatments such as painttouch up shall be completed when mechanical damage such as drilling or sawing occurs.(防腐蚀处理,如油漆润色时,应完成的机械损伤,如钻井或锯发生。)
  • 10、His finger went up to touch the black patch which covered his left eye.(他的手指抬起来去摸盖在他左眼上的黑眼罩。)
  • 11、Could use a littletouch up.(可以重新润色一遍。)
  • 12、If you plan totouch up the paintwork yourself, make sure you get the right paint match.(如果您准备自行修复漆面,那么应该确保所使用的油漆与漆面相匹配。)
  • 13、Unlike organic coatings small damage area need notouch up.(故此锌层不像其他有机涂层需要修补。)
  • 14、I have my company's website made few years ago, and it needs a littletouch up.(我有我公司的网站了几年前,它需要一点润色。)
  • 15、At the end of a long workday on the go, another quick way for Ms. Garcia totouch up her look is to 'put on some divine lipstick,' she says.(当一天结束的时候,加西亚女士还有一个快速提升妆容的方法,就是“涂上鲜亮的口红,”她说。)
  • 16、We will make a smalltouch up to one of them.(我们将弥补给其中一小联系。)
  • 17、During construction, any damage to the shop primed surface shall be cleaned by power tools and directly painted with the first coat primer according to paint scheme withouttouch up of shop primer.(在施工期间,车间底漆表面的任何损坏应该用电力工具进行清除,根据涂装计划直接涂第一度漆而不用进行底漆修补。)
  • 18、For example, imagine that you run a photo-sharing website and want to let your userstouch up their photos without leaving your site.(举个例子,假如你在运营一个照片分享网站并且希望你的用户不必离开你的网站就可以修改他们的照片。)
  • 19、In our experiment system, we adopted a path length constrain totouch up the original motion path editing algorithm.(本文提出了增加路径长度的约束的方法,并在我们的实验系统中加以实现。)
  • 20、Itouch up your design digitally to produce sharp lines and beautiful color.(我触手您的设计数字化生产线和鲜明美丽的颜色。)
  • 21、The writer was asked totouch up the story for publication.(他们请这位作家把写好的故事润色一下,以便出版。)
  • 22、I musttouch up the chipped paint on my car.(我必须修补一下我汽车上的油漆脱落处。)
  • 23、You should now have a pretty much final image visually. You may want totouch up here and there to be completely satisfied.(为了拥有一个视觉上非常漂亮的成品,你可能需要润色,这样才能完全让人满意。)
  • 24、There's never a bad time to give your resume a bit of atouch up.(从来没有不适合润色简历的时间。)
  • 25、A data typing proponent might want totouch up the schema in Listing 2 to look like the version in Listing 3.(数据类型化的支持者可能把清单2中的模式修改成清单3所示的版本。)
touch up基本释义

touch up

英 [tʌtʃ ʌp] 美 [tʌtʃ ʌp] 

修改; 润色
