
touch on

touch on造句

更新时间:2024-08-28 12:16:04

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的touch on的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了25条touch on的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了touch on的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、The areas where our mandates intersecttouch on some of the most pressing problems in public health.(我们各自使命交叉的领域涉及公共卫生的一些最紧迫问题。)
  • 2、It's a vast improvement over talking for half an hour and hoping youtouch on something of interest.(相对于讲半个小时,并且希望能触及感兴趣的事情来说,这时一个巨大的提高!)
  • 3、There are many reasons, but I willtouch on three.(原因有许多,在这里,我只概述其中三个。)
  • 4、I'lltouch on each one briefly, then revisit each in turn as I construct a Perl application.(我将简要讨论每一个,然后在构造Perl应用程序时依次重新讨论每一个。)
  • 5、Much of this discussion doesn'ttouch on the cost to consumers.(这里的大部分讨论没有触及消费者的花费。)
  • 6、This article will only peripherallytouch on this topic, since our stated goal is extending the JDT.(本文只是略微提及这个主题,因为我们设定的目标是扩展JDT。)
  • 7、But before talking more about 2009, allow me to brieflytouch on 2008. Because last year was indeed remarkable.(在进入2009年之前,请先让我简单回顾一下2008年,因为这一年有许多大事值得关注。)
  • 8、I'll alsotouch on some interesting opportunities that Ajax offers for developing Web sites inside Web sites.(我还将提到Ajax带来的一种有趣的可能性:在网站中开发网站。)
  • 9、Before we begin building our application, let's brieflytouch on an important pattern that iPhone applications use.(在开始构建应用程序之前,让我们简单熟悉下iPhone应用程序所用的这个重要设计模式。)
  • 10、First, you will walk through creating custom report templates, as well astouch on how to embed a font in a PDF report.(首先,你将浏览定制报告模板的创建,还将涉及如何在一个PDF格式的报告中嵌入一种字体。)
  • 11、Other sectionstouch on business as well, and in more interesting ways.(其他版块也会涉足商业,并且报道手法更为活泼有趣。)
  • 12、Though I dotouch on the word simple towards the end.(虽然为此我提及了simple这个单词。)
  • 13、So I'll take a moment andtouch on that.(所以我会花点时间来聊聊。)
  • 14、In his speech he was only able totouch on a few aspects of the problem.(他在演讲中只能涉及这个问题的几个方面。)
  • 15、I'll alsotouch on performance considerations with AMS.(我还要涉及AMS的性能考虑因素。)
  • 16、I willtouch on those cases in the column as well.(在本专栏文章中我将略微谈到这些案例。)
  • 17、We'll alsotouch on the Military Grid Reference System (MGRS), which is based on UTM.(我们还要提到以utm为基础的军事格网参考系(MGRS)。)
  • 18、Companies are now also starting totouch on a potentially troubling area: their employees' mental health.(公司现在也开始触及一个可能产生麻烦的领域:即员工的精神健康。)
  • 19、First, let'stouch on some of the key benefits that this release brings to you.(首先,让我们学习一下这个版本给您带来的一些关键方便之处。)
  • 20、On the whole, inline assembly is huge and provides a lot of features that we did not eventouch on here.(总的来说,内联汇编非常巨大,它提供的许多特性我们甚至在这里根本没有涉及到。)
  • 21、These points alltouch on the same three basic concepts: autonomy, mastery, and purpose.(这些东西都指向三个共同的概念:自主,精通,目标。)
  • 22、Next I'll brieflytouch on the two research planks.(下面我想简单讲一下两个研究平板。)
  • 23、Then I'll compare the four approaches andtouch on a few of the many approaches I didn't present.(然后对这四种方法进行比较,并简要介绍其他的一些方法。)
  • 24、It was late in the afternoon, and I was putting the finaltouch on a piece of writing that I was feeling pretty good about.(那是一个下午的晚些时候,我正在为一篇我感觉不错的文章做最后的润色。)
  • 25、Sometimes even a lighttouch on the face is enough to trigger off this pain.(有时甚至在脸上轻摸一下也足以引发这种痛苦。)
touch on基本释义

touch on

英 [tʌtʃ ɔn] 美 [tʌtʃ ɑn] 

触及; 论及; 简略提到; 涉及
