


更新时间:2024-06-24 11:51:15

  • 1、My friend rent thetownhouse.(朋友租的连排别墅。)
  • 2、Exorcised of the seventies, thistownhouse was given new life through good design, quality workmanship and materials.(摈弃七十年代的痕迹,这座住宅楼通过良好的设计,高品质的做工和材料应用,被赋予了新的生命。)
  • 3、Maureen Dowd'stownhouse so jammed with stars -- Larry David, George Lucas, Ron Howard -- that even Tom Hanks and Ben Affleck have trouble getting in.(莫莉恩-窦德的小别墅里挤满了演艺圈的人——拉里-戴维斯,,乔治-卢卡斯,雷-哈维德,甚至汤姆-汉克斯和本-阿弗莱克想进去都得费点劲儿。)
  • 4、This time it was a 705-square-metertownhouse in the same Citic Real Estate project in Dongguan, about an hour drive from Shenzhen.(这一次是一栋705平方米的别墅,同样是中信房地产在东莞的项目,距离深圳开车只需一个小时。)
  • 5、Based on architecture layout, it's consisted of high rise,townhouse and villa.(该项目依照建筑的类型可划分为高层住宅区、洋房和别墅区。)
  • 6、Draft thetownhouse on watercolor paper with pencil.(首先用铅笔轻力在水彩纸上起稿。)
  • 7、Thistownhouse sits on the Zhonglv community in Xiangmihu, Shenzhen, The community boasts gardens, shadowy paths, song of birds and scent of flowers.(本案是深圳市香蜜湖中旅国际公馆内的一幢连排别墅,小区园林景观错落有致,林荫小道,鸟语花香。)
  • 8、Maybe you'd like to live in atownhouse or a duplex. These share at least one wall with other homes, and they do not have big yards.(也许你喜欢住联排住宅或双层公寓。这些房屋至少与其它人家共用一道墙,而且他们也没有大院子。)
  • 9、Chris: No. She has atownhouse.(克里斯:不是,她有一栋连栋住宅。)
  • 10、The other day I knocked on the door of Mr. Archbold'stownhouse in Philadelphia. not far from where Mr. Franklin lived a couple of hundred years ago.(阿奇博尔德先生住在费城一所城市住宅里,离两个世纪前富兰克林先生住的地方不远。)
  • 11、A five-year-old girl in a home with a potentially armed suspect helped police peacefully end a tense 10-hour standoff in a Winnipegtownhouse Saturday.(WINNIPEG加拿大—星期六(10月25日)一个在Winnipeg家中的五岁小女孩帮助警察和平结束了与挟持她的武装犯罪嫌疑人僵持10个小时的紧张局面。)
  • 12、Annie wants sleep over at histownhouse.(安妮想在他的家住。)
  • 13、Thetownhouse is being built as a healthy inhabitation form and boosted by the purchasers with the entering into 21st century.(进入21世纪,联排式小住宅作为一种健康的居住形态在我国大城市兴建起来,并受到购房人的青睐。)
  • 14、The resident space of thetownhouse is a space for middle-classes to blazon forth their self-personalities.(联排式小住宅的居住空间是中产阶层张扬自我个性的空间。)
  • 15、Thetownhouse lay out more humanistic, purer and more advanced inhabitation form as a low-density housing.(联排式小住宅作为低密度住宅,为市场展示了更人性、更纯粹、也更进步的居住方式。)
  • 16、For example, right now I live in a three-storytownhouse with three full baths, but no bathroom on the first floor.(举个小例子-我现在和几个朋友住在一栋三层小楼里。)
  • 17、I am in the process of moving into mytownhouse.(我在移动进我的排屋的过程。)
  • 18、Zone C of YOSEMITE is of modern Chinese architecture, classified into three architectural forms, i. e. detached, semi-detached andtownhouse.(优山美地C区为现代中式建筑,分为独栋、双拼、联排三种建筑形态。)
  • 19、The third part mainly analyzed at present , the good and bad points oftownhouse as well as this housing form in our country expense object.(第三部分主要分析了目前我国联排住宅的优缺点以及该住宅形式在我国的消费对象。)
  • 20、"They said, 'is this a recruiting call?' and I said 'I guess so,'" Miner told the Guardian in his office in a convertedtownhouse in downtown Chicago.(“他们说,‘这是招聘电话么?’然后我说‘是的,’”在芝加哥市中心的一座改造过的房子中的办公室里Miner向《卫报》记者说。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 21、In Maryland, a man and his four children were found dead in atownhouse.(在马里兰,一名男子及其4个孩子被发现死在家中。)
  • 22、My friend's new boughttownhouse in Toronto.(朋友在多伦多新买的连排别墅。)
  • 23、There are various arisen reasons of building thetownhouse.(联排式小住宅兴建的原因是多方面的。)
  • 24、Back at thetownhouse, Mahone finds and frees the tied-up Sara.(在莎拉被绑的公寓,马宏找到了莎拉,并给她松了绑。)


英 ['taʊnhaʊz] 美 ['taʊnhaʊz] 

异体字: townhouse

