好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的town council的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了23条town council的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了town council的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、Might I respectfully suggest to thetown council that they should adopt a policy of masterly inactivity?(我可以怀有敬意地建议镇会议,他们应该采取一项巧妙的停业措施吗?)
- 2、Many new businesses have opened on the town square, and sales triple when the Swamp Gravy show is on, according to Jennifer Trawick, executive director of the local arts council.(在小镇的广场上,新开了许多商店,据当地艺术委员会执行理事珍妮弗•特拉威克所说,当“鱼香酱汁”上演的时候,商店的销售量会增加两倍。)
- 3、Thetown council passed a law forbidding the distribution of handbills.(市议会通过法律,禁止散发传单。)
- 4、Thee comments came from Sergeant Andy Turner in a meeting with Sidmouthtown council, which has also seen two new housing developments in its area.(警官安迪-特纳在与锡德茅斯市议会举行的一次会议上作出了上述评论。该地区也在进行两项新的住宅开发项目。。)
- 5、Heddon read the reports of thetown council meetings with delight.(顿津津有味地读着有关市议会的报道。)
- 6、They did everything to seize control of thetown council.(他们想尽一切办法夺取对镇议会的控制。)
- 7、From the camps they were dropped at thetown council, registered, and then took a bus to the village.(从难民营出来,他们在镇议会登了记,然后坐车回到村子里。)
- 8、Thetown council meets twice a month.(市议会每两个月召开一次会议。) (hao86.com好工具)
- 9、How many people are contesting this seat on thetown council?(有多少人在争夺市议会这个席位?)
- 10、The members of thetown council disputed for hours about whether to build a new museum.(市议会的议员们就是否要新建一所博物馆辩论了好几个小时。)
- 11、I instrumented a letter to mytown council .(我向镇委会提交了一封信。)
- 12、A plan of the new housing estate may be seen at the offices of thetown council.(新的住宅区建筑计划可以在镇议会的办事处看到。)
- 13、Paris'town council has given the green light to a controversial "Triangle" tower rising 590ft (180m) above Paris.(据英国《每日电讯报》报道,巴黎市议会通过了“三角大厦”的设计方案,引来争议不断。)
- 14、Mr Ang carved out a niche for himself at HDB, which he joined in 1976. Rising through the ranks, he was appointed the General Manager of Bukit Panjang and Sembawangtown council by 1988.(在专业领域上,洪茂诚自1976年加入建屋发展局,并于1988年受委为武吉班让与三巴旺市镇理事会总经理。)
- 15、Thetown council spent a lot of money in preserving the old castle and other places of interest.(市委员会花了不少钱来保护那座古城堡和其他名胜。)
- 16、But thetown council is mistaken; we should continue using EZ.(但市委是错误的,我们应该继续使用EZ。)
- 17、Thetown council recommends that the plant install a more efficient cooling system that uses less water, claiming it will be more environmentally sound.(市委建议工厂换一套更有效的冷却系统以减少冷却水的使用量,他们认为这样更加环保。)
- 18、The first wake-up call came in March, when a Dutch council objected to Shell's plans to store CO2 in depleted gas fields under the town of Barendrecht, near Rotterdam.(今年3月荷兰的一个评审委员会拒绝了壳牌公司在鹿特丹附近的Barendrecht小镇存储二氧化碳的计划。这让人们开始注意到反对的想法。)
- 19、Shakespeare's father was a respected man in Stratford-on-Avon, a member of thetown council.(莎士比亚的父亲是埃文河畔斯特拉特福一位德高望重的镇议会成员。)
- 20、In Banks, post offices, libraries, parks, playgrounds, kindergartens, immigration offices andtown council offices, I can see people of different RACES working and playing together in harmony.(又如在银行、邮局、图书馆、公园游乐尝幼稚园以至移民厅和市镇会办公处,我见到不同种族的工作人员和谐地在一起工作。)
- 21、Jobs' prime days were well behind him before his last two public appearances this year, at the WWDC and, serendipitously, at the Cupertinotown council to pitch for Apple's new headquarters.(乔布斯在今年最后的两次在全球开发者大会公开露面之前的主要时间是在他的后面,并且意外地是,在库比蒂诺镇会议上定下苹果新的总部。)
- 22、Fighters loyal to the National Transitional Council in Libya, who are surrounding the desert town of Bani Walid, say talks with pro-Gaddafi forces there have failed.(利比亚忠于全国过渡委员会的战士正在包围沙漠小镇班尼瓦里(BaniWalid),并称支持卡扎菲的势力已经失败。)
- 23、A permit had initially been issued for the demolition by thetown council in 2004, but a county judge blocked it after a legal challenge by preservationists.(2004年,镇议会曾经发出了一份拆房许可,但是在文物保护主义者提出法律质疑之后,一名县法官驳回了许可。)