- 1、Thesetoys are sold.(这些玩具已售出。)
- 2、Thetoys are available by mail order from Opitoys.(这些玩具可以从欧派玩具公司邮购。)
- 3、Boys play with theirtoys.(男孩跟他们的玩具玩耍。)
- 4、Nobody's getting anytoys!(没人拿到任何玩具!)
- 5、He picked up the scatteredtoys.(他把散落的玩具捡了起来。)
- 6、I'm leaving my oldtoys here—if you don't want them, just trash them.(我把我的旧玩具留在这里,你不要就扔掉好了。)
- 7、Very smalltoys can choke a baby.(很小的玩具可使婴儿窒息。)
- 8、What are adulttoys?(什么是成人玩具?)
- 9、He doesn't like children'stoys.(他不喜欢儿童玩具。)
- 10、The nursery is bright and cheerful, with plenty oftoys.(该托儿所明亮宜人,有许多玩具。)
- 11、In my dream all mytoys came to life.(我的玩具在梦里都活过来了。)
- 12、Could you sort out thetoys that can be thrown away?(你把可以扔掉的玩具挑出来,好吗?)
- 13、I never tripped overtoys.(我从不被玩具绊倒。)
- 14、It's a new firm. They maketoys and whatnot.(这是家新的公司。他们制作玩具和别的小玩意儿。)
- 15、In a recession, consumers could be expected to cut down on nonessentials liketoys.(经济衰退时,消费者有可能会缩减玩具等非必需品的消费。)
- 16、You have two giraffetoys.(你有两个长颈鹿玩具。)
- 17、My dad fixes brokentoys.(我的爸爸修理坏了的玩具。)
- 18、Plastictoys are from China.(塑料玩具是由中国制造的。)
- 19、Look, I seetoys everywhere.(看,我看到哪里都是玩具。)
- 20、Whichtoys are the best?(哪一款玩具是最好的?)
- 21、Someone's going to go flying if you don't pick up thesetoys.(你要是不捡起这些玩具,有人就会绊倒。)
- 22、It's time yourtoys were cleared away.(现在该收走你的玩具了。)
- 23、The entrance hall is littered withtoys.(入口大厅里散落着玩具。)
- 24、They've been scatteringtoys everywhere.(他们总是把玩具分散得到处都是。) (好工具hao86.com)
- 25、The children were playing happily with theirtoys.(孩子们正高兴地玩着玩具。)
- 26、At Easter, we give them plastic eggs filled with smalltoys, novelties, and coins.(在复活节,我们送给他们装有小玩具、新奇的小玩意儿和硬币的塑料蛋。)
- 27、Will you pick up all yourtoys?(把你的玩具都收起来好不好?)
- 28、It's full of oldtoys, books and what not.(这里全都是旧玩具、书籍,以及诸如此类的东西。)
- 29、I would line up mytoys on this windowsill and play.(我要把玩具在这个窗台上排成一行来玩。)
- 30、He was really too old for children'stoys.(他确实过了玩孩子的玩具的年纪了。)