好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的to a certain extent的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了28条to a certain extent的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了to a certain extent的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、In this they were successfulto a certain extent.(在某种程度上他们成功了。)
- 2、Traditional redundancy methods, such as clustering, can only helpto a certain extent.(传统的冗余方法,例如集群技术,只能在一定程度上有所帮助。)
- 3、It's clearly in SEI's purview to assess and validate what an organization does and,to a certain extent, how they do it.(按照SEI的规定,很清楚地评估和验证一个组织做什么,以及在某种程度上,他们如何完成。)
- 4、Enforce the defined traceability strategyto a certain extent.(在一定程度上执行确定的追溯策略。)
- 5、Oncology drugsto a certain extent have served as a kind of role model for other therapeutic areas.(肿瘤药物在一定程度上为其它治疗领域起着一种示范作用。)
- 6、Private money can fill the gapto a certain extent, as Geron and Advanced Cell Technology demonstrate.(正如杰龙和先进细胞技术所证明的,私人资金可以在一定程度上填补空白。)
- 7、That's true,to a certain extent.(在一定程度上的确如此。)
- 8、to a certain extent this rebalancing process has already begun.(在某种cheng上来说,从外需向内需的平衡转移过程已经开始了。)
- 9、to a certain extent, this is what a browser does for certain XML (and XML-like) formats, such as HTML or SVG.(在某种程度上,浏览器会对某些XML(和类xml)格式,比如HTML或SVG,进行这种文档到视图的转换。)
- 10、While compression helpsto a certain extent, bitmaps still tend to be larger than vector images.(然而压缩带来的帮助是有限度的,位图依然比矢量图形大很多。)
- 11、I plan to, at leastto a certain extent, given that we don't want the suite to become huge.(我计划如此,至少是一部分特定扩展,我们不像把套件弄得巨大。)
- 12、Software can achieve that goalto a certain extent.(计算机软件能一定程度上实现此目标。)
- 13、to a certain extent, the leaked documents contain the rawest form of gossip.(在一定的程度上,这个泄漏的文件仅包含了最粗浅的流言蜚语。)
- 14、to a certain extent we have to accept our starting point on the self-control sliding scale and do the best we can with it.(在一定程度上,我们必须承认还处于自制阶段的起点,并尽全力做好。)
- 15、This is trueto a certain extent of farming in general.(总体而言,对于一定程度的农业来说是适用的。)
- 16、Their location dependsto a certain extent on how OmegaT + was installed and on what operating system is used.(其位置在某种程度上取决于如何安装omegat+和使用什么操作系统。)
- 17、Admittedly, those who oppose to the viewpoint also have their reasonsto a certain extent.((写作)我们必须承认,那些反对此观点的人们也有一定的道理。)
- 18、to a certain extent , we are all responsible for this tragic situation.(我们都在一定程度上对这悲惨的局面负有责任。)
- 19、to a certain extent, they're right.(这在一定程度上是正确的。)
- 20、This can be sorted out,to a certain extent, by correlating the extended set of functions of all the use cases.(在一定程度上,这可以通过关联所有用例的扩展功能集合来分类。) 【好工具hao86.com】
- 21、A finger-touch interface is cool, is fun and,to a certain extent, finger touch is novel.(手指触控界面很酷,很有趣。而且在一定程度上,手指触控很新颖。)
- 22、"Mice mirror,to a certain extent, what happens in humans," he says, but they are not perfect model animals.(他表示,“小鼠在某种程度上反映出在人类中发生的情况”,但小鼠并非最理想的模型动物。)
- 23、Meanwhile, products like Rogaine do use a proven ingredient, but it only helpsto a certain extent.(同时,像生发液产品的确有经过验证的成分,但它仅仅在一定程度上有用。)
- 24、to a certain extent, if you are not yet measuring volume at all, it's somewhat meaningless to dwell on this debate.(在一定程度上,如果您根本没有度量容积,那么详述此争论就没有意义。)
- 25、to a certain extent, musical memory is procedural rather than declarative.(在某种程度上,音乐记忆是程序性记忆而不是陈述性记忆。)
- 26、to a certain extent, this kind of arguing was fun.(在某种程度上,这样的争论也是一种乐趣。)
- 27、to a certain extent, the ESB Proxy Service shields the COBOL client from changes that might affect the target POJO.(在某种程度上,ESB代理服务使COBOL客户端不受那些可能会导致目标POJO改变的变更的影响。)
- 28、What this does is initializing the provider with the configured Settingsto a certain extent.(此功能用配置的设置对提供者进行一定程度的初始化。)