好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的quite a bit的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了29条quite a bit的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了quite a bit的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、She's donequite a bit of work this past year.(她在这过去的一年里做了很多工作。)
- 2、They said the saving in expense made it worthwhile even though sourcing it tookquite a bit of time.(他们说,节省这笔开支是值得的,尽管采购它花了不少时间。)
- 3、Now they carequite a bit.(现在他们相当在意了。)
- 4、There will no doubt bequite a bit of special-forces activity.(毫无疑问,将会有相当多的特别军事行动。)
- 5、Many states have lotteries, and the rules varyquite a bit.(很多州都有彩票,并且规则各异。)
- 6、"Restructuring" the XML document assists gzipquite a bit.(“重新构造”XML文档对gzip相当有帮助。)
- 7、I think they makequite a bit of money.(我认为,他们挣了不少钱。)
- 8、This ends up costingquite a bit of money.(这麻烦事得花一点钱。)
- 9、Had I not attended this workshop, I would have automatically assumed the man was the best candidate because the position requiredquite a bit of extensive travel.(如果我没有参加这个研讨会,我会自动假定这个人是最佳人选,因为这个职位需要经常出差。)
- 10、You'll have to hit a particular databasequite a bit.(您需要经常与一个特定的数据库打交道。)
- 11、I'd imagine you would be doing quite a lot of teaching outside the school, and moving aroundquite a bit.(我想你们会在校外做很多教学工作,并四处走动。)
- 12、This isquite a bit of code.(这个代码稍微有点多。)
- 13、I enjoyed reading it and learnedquite a bit in the process.(我觉得阅读这本书并随着过程不断地学习,一点一滴的进步非常享受。)
- 14、In fact, it goes downquite a bit.(事实上它下降得很多。)
- 15、Raptors lookquite a bit like dinosaurs but they have much more in common with birds than they do with other theropod dinosaurs such as Tyrannosaurus.(迅猛龙看起来有点像恐龙,但是它们与其他兽脚类恐龙比如暴龙相比,与鸟类更相似。)
- 16、We relyquite a bit on ready-made meals – they are so convenient.(我们相当依赖现成的熟食–它们如此方便。)
- 17、I havequite a bit of difficulties with English pronunciation because it's very different from Chinese.(我在学英语发音方面存在许多困难,因为它和中文发音非常不同。)
- 18、In so doing, you will learnquite a bit more about Alice.(那样做的的话你将获得更多的信息。)
- 19、Henry was away from home forquite a bit and seldom saw his family.(亨利离开家已经很久了,他很少见到家人。)
- 20、Once again, Listing 4 coversquite a bit of ground.(同样的,清单4也涵盖了相当多的内容。)
- 21、Things have changedquite a bit.(情况大有改观。)
- 22、Well, actually it requiresquite a bit of work and research.(呃,实际上这需要相当多的工作和研究。)
- 23、Case fans can also generatequite a bit of noise.(机箱风扇可产生一些噪声。)
- 24、Eventually, eventually. That tookquite a bit of time.(最终,最终,这花了很长时间。) Hao86.com
- 25、The bad news today is that there will bequite a bit of math.(今天有个坏消息,我们要学一些数学内容。)
- 26、I did this for two years, and enjoyed itquite a bit.(我干了两年,也很喜欢这份工作。)
- 27、The Olympic BY model weighs only 320 grams, which isquite a bit less than other cameras of the similar type.(奥运BY相机的重量只有320克,比其他同类相机要轻很多。)
- 28、They're worthquite a bit of money.(它们值很多钱。)
- 29、That'squite a bit of pressure on Ariza, is it not?(这对阿里扎来说确实压力不小,不是么?)