


更新时间:2024-06-24 11:59:10

  • 1、A diversity that is capable of capturing one's attention for several minutes stampquizzical silly grin on one's face spelling out "and why don't I live here?"(一种多样化抓住了人们的注意力,有几分钟的时间人们的脸上只挂着呆呆的笑容,这种表情仿佛在说:“我为什么不可以住在这里?”)
  • 2、He looked up with aquizzical look on his face.(他脸上带着困惑的神情抬头往上看。)
  • 3、"I won't talk about it," said Carrie, pained at thequizzical turn the peace arrangement had taken.(“我不想谈这件事,”嘉莉说。这样盘问她来达成和解,实在让她痛苦。)
  • 4、The younger one is giving the older one aquizzical look, to which the older one responds, "Nothing happens next.(年轻的那个给年长的那个一个探询的目光,对此,年长的那个回应说:“接下来什么事都不发生。)
  • 5、"He said, somethingquizzical in his eyes."(他眼神中露出某种古怪的神情说道。)
  • 6、"It's... it's cold," Satan said, with aquizzical tone. "Your soul?"(“这…这居然是冷的,”撒旦迷惑不解地说,“你的灵魂呢?”)
  • 7、I receivequizzical stares and more than a few raised eyebrows while unloading my cart onto the conveyor belt at the supermarket.(当我在超市里把我的购物车放到输送带上时,我会收到许多人探寻的注视。)
  • 8、As we stared up at the vertical staircase, Laura'squizzical look had changed to a frown.(当我们凝视那垂直的路梯,罗拉有疑问的表情已经变成了皱眉。)
  • 9、Spruance and Pug Henry exchangedquizzical looks near the end.(快结束时,斯普鲁·恩斯和帕格·亨利交换了一下探询的眼色。)
  • 10、Laughing at the funnyquizzical look of the little creature, he said big boy reminded him of one of his Scottish ancestors.(瞧着这小东西的古怪样,他笑着说,“大家伙”使他想起了他的一位苏格兰祖先。)
  • 11、Smirks, raised eyebrows, andquizzical looks are not out of the realm of possibility, either.(傻笑、扬起的眉毛和戏弄的样子都是在可能出现的范围之内的。)
  • 12、The person with thequizzical brow ? - that is his good friend , mr darcy.(长着奇怪眉毛的那个?-那个是他的好朋友,达西先生。)
  • 13、In fact, if you ask them to tell you who is on their list of people to get back to, they give you aquizzical look.(事实上,如果你让他们告诉你,谁在他们再联系的名单中,他们给你一个古怪的表情。)
  • 14、A slightly surprised,quizzical expression means he finds you fascinating.(那种带有一点惊奇,困惑的表情意味着他发现你很迷人。也可能觉得你很难对付。)
  • 15、He gave Robin a mildlyquizzical glance.(他对罗宾投以戏弄性的一瞥。)
  • 16、Here the artist's expression is neutral, his mouth set and his gaze fixed ever so warily under hisquizzical brow, looking cautiously towards the horizon.(画中的曾梵志面无表情,嘴唇闭紧,眉头紧缩,充满疑问的样子,警惕地定睛看著地平线。)
  • 17、Mrs. Sanford, who conveys a just-us-girls warmth and tartness that doesn’t always come through in the book, lookedquizzical.(从书里看不出珊弗夫人是一个和普通女孩一样既热情又尖刻且充满好奇的人。)
  • 18、He gave me aquizzical look.(他以狐疑的神色看我。)
  • 19、I gave him aquizzical look. "Whom are you talking about?"(我神情古怪地看了他一眼:“你在说谁啊?”)
  • 20、But in a move likely to raise aquizzical eyebrow from the fictional super-spy, MI5 is now recruiting its own health and safety team.(现在军情五处要招募一支健康与安全团队,这件事要是被詹姆斯·邦德知道了,可能他会挑眉嘲笑吧。)
  • 21、His sharp,quizzical eyes look back, unblinking and unyielding.(他的敏锐的,疑惑的眼睛看着后面,坚定而不屈。)
  • 22、The father gave him aquizzical look. They both burst out laughing.(父亲带着询问的目光看了他一眼。噗嗤一声两人一同大笑起来。)


英 [ˈkwɪzɪkl] 美 [ˈkwɪzɪkəl] 

副词: quizzically 名词: quizzicality

