


更新时间:2025-01-06 08:03:18

  • 1、re-enter the password when you are prompted.(重新输入时,系统提示您的密码。)
  • 2、When theyre-enter the troposphere, they are rapidly washed out of the atmosphere by rain and snow.(当重新回到对流层时,它们将很快被大气中形成的雨雪所洗刷殆尽。)
  • 3、This provides ease of use and avoids the need for you tore-enter the values during each run of the procedure or function.(这提供了方便性并避免了在每次运行过程或函数时重新输入值的麻烦。)
  • 4、They need to exit one application or workflow to access another and often mustre-enter data.(他们需要退出一个应用程序或工作流来访问另一个,而且经常需要重新输入数据。)
  • 5、The user can use the same service ticket for accessing other AIX client systems without having tore-enter the password.(用户可以使用同一个服务票据访问其他AIX客户机系统,而不需要重新输入密码。)
  • 6、Some simply afford tore-enter data after restoring.(在进行恢复之后,需要重新输入数据。)
  • 7、This would produce enough thrust to cause the debris tore-enter the atmosphere.(这种方式会产生足够大的推力使碎片重新进入大气层。)
  • 8、If so, pleasere-enter your information and try again.(如果是,请重新输入你的资料,并再重试。)
  • 9、When he doesre-enter the workforce, he says he’ll do so as a baby photographer.(马德森说,当他再度回到工作岗位时,他要做一名婴儿摄影师。)
  • 10、The shuttle Columbia willre-enter Earth's atmosphere tomorrow morning.(哥伦比亚号航天飞机将在明天上午重进地球大气层。)
  • 11、There is a small risk that this rubbish will smack into human beings when minor amounts of itre-enter the earth's atmosphere.(小的危险是这种垃圾会打到人身上,少量碎片还会重新进入大气层。)
  • 12、Then,re-enter your password to verify that you typed it correctly.(然后,重新输入一遍你的密码来验证你输入的是否正确。)
  • 13、As the Afghan conflict has shown, the job of the UNHCR does not end when refugeesre-enter their homeland.(如阿富汗的矛盾所示,难民重返家园后难民署的工作还远未结束。)
  • 14、Not having tore-enter your credit card information when a service you use changes payment gateways.(当你所使用的服务改变支付途径时,不需要重新输入你的信用卡信息。)
  • 15、Enter username, password,re-enter password and click Next.(输入用户名、密码,重新输入密码,然后单击Next。)
  • 16、The season's end also marks the beginning of a period when penguinsre-enter the sea, now laden with heavy oil and soya beans.(换毛季结束后,企鹅将开始在海中捕食,因此海水中的原油和大豆残骸对它们造成了严重的威胁。)
  • 17、However, it is placed below the 're-enter your password' text box.(然而,它们被放置在“重新输入密码”框的下方。)
  • 18、I'm not tore-enter it without you! '!(我不和你一块进去,就不能再进去啦!)
  • 19、Microsoft will certainlyre-enter the fray, although none of its operating systems seems a good fit for tablets.(微软毫无疑问会重新加入战端,尽管它好像连一个适合平板电脑的操作系统都没有。)
  • 20、Some of these men willre-enter the Labour market when the economy and job opportunities revive, but many will not.(他们当中一部分人会随着经济复苏和就业机会的增加重返职场,但很多人不是这样。)
  • 21、Most debris shouldre-enter the atmosphere within 48 hours, and the remaining pieces will leave orbit within 40 days.(大多数碎片会在48小时之内重新进入大气层,而剩余的碎片会在40天内离开轨道。)
  • 22、Once at the second step, they'd have to return to the home page, log in again, thenre-enter their arrival and departure data.(一旦进入了第二个步骤,他们必须返回首页,重新登录,然后再次输入到达航班和离开航班的数据。)
  • 23、Such cuts, however, leave inmates less prepared tore-enter society and more likely to end up behind bars again.(但是,这些措施只会让囚犯在重新融入社会时准备更不充分,很可能会再次走上被告席。)
  • 24、The customer would have tore-enter information on the claim form in the co-browsing session.(客户不得不在共同浏览会话中在索赔表单中重新输入信息。)
  • 25、re-enter the password to confirm.(再次输入新密码并确认。)
  • 26、I did not hear himre-enter, and in the morning I found he was still away.(我没有听见他再进来,到了早上我发现他还是没回来。)
  • 27、To continue your mail sessionre-enter your password.(重新输入密码可以继续进行邮件会话。)


