好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的ride out的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了20条ride out的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了ride out的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、At first the Washington establishment assumed that he wouldride out the storm. Barack Obama declared his undying support.(起先,华盛顿大佬还认为在这场丑文风暴中,他能全身而退:巴拉克•奥巴马发表声明表示将全力支持达施勒。)
- 2、There is no magic, can let youride out.(也没有什么神妙的技术,可以让你安然渡过。)
- 3、Chinstrap penguins (Pygoscelis Antarctica)ride out high surf on blue-ice icebergs near Candlemas Island in the South Sandwich Islands.(帽企鹅(南极洲企鹅)安然渡过高海浪在蓝色的---冰山靠近圣烛节岛在三明治岛。)
- 4、Some even reckoned that “decoupling” might allow the region toride out the storm that began in rich-country financial markets.(一些人甚至预测,“脱钩”或许将令该地区安然度过这次始于发达国家金融市场的风暴。)
- 5、Some city buses were dispatched to take people without cars to the Superdome toride out the storm.(一些城市巴士被派往没有私家车的居民那里,将他们送到Superdome体育会展中心以渡过难关。)
- 6、We canride out the hurricane by staying here.(我们可以停在这里躲避风暴。)
- 7、Life is too good, good toride out whatever you choose. Like a waste.(生命太好,好到你无论选择什么方式度过。都像是一种浪费。)
- 8、Worldwide, McDonald's low-cost food offerings continued toride out the economic downturn, with a 4.3 per cent increase in global comparable sales.(在全球范围内,麦当劳所提供的低成本食品服务仍未受到经济低迷的冲击,全球同店销售增长4.3%。)
- 9、Tens of thousands of people were evacuated from North Carolina's barrier islands, but some residents hunkered down at home toride out the storm.(数万人已经从北卡罗来纳州的一些屏障岛上撤离,但是也有一些居民选择留守在家。)
- 10、Individuals and institutions alike use them to park cash they are waiting to deploy and toride out market storms.(个人或机构喜欢使用货币基金来保管需要进行配置的现金,能够回避大的市场波动。)
- 11、He said he knew his family was OK and expressed confidence that Chile wouldride out the disaster.(上校说他知道他的家庭没事,他认为智利将安然度过这场震灾,他充满信心。) 【hao86.com好工具】
- 12、THERE are few safe places toride out an earthquake.(没有几个地方是那么的安全,可以躲得过地震。)
- 13、For the moment, Disney appears determined toride out the storm.(目前看来,迪斯尼似乎决心要渡过这场风暴。)
- 14、Such weapons couldride out an enemy attack and still hit back effectively.(这些武器能够顶住敌人的进攻后进行有效的还击。)
- 15、The city estimates that 15,000 people will need aride out.(该市估计将有1.5万人需要乘车外出。)
- 16、Some business owners hope toride out the storm.(一些企业主希望能够安全渡过这场风暴。)
- 17、They'd taken refuge under an overpass toride out the flames.(他们在天桥下避难,从火中开车逃出来。)
- 18、What's less obviously explained is how he has managed toride out the storm over tuition fees without taking very much of the blame.(而有关他决定经受有关学费争论的风暴后,却并未承受太多指责的解释也不是太明显。)
- 19、The captain ordered all sails lowered so the ship couldride out the storm.(船长命令把所有的帆放下以便船只安全渡过暴风雨。)
- 20、Indeed a lesson of recent economic history is that countries and regions thatride out a crisis well are all the more vulnerable to the next one.(事实上,近代的经济史得出的一大教训就是,走出危机的国家和地区更有可能遭受下一次危机。)