好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的sell off的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了22条sell off的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了sell off的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、They had tosell off 10 percent of all underutilized farmland.(他们不得不廉价出售了10%的未充分利用的农田。) haO86.com
- 2、It could alsosell off its dialup business, which provides cash flow, but is nearing the end of its useful life.(此外,它还可选择出售其拨号上网业务,这块业务固然可以带来现金流,但其赢利周期其实已近尾声。)
- 3、They have been forced to raise new capital and tosell off bits of the company.(他们被迫筹集新的资本,一点一点的把公司卖掉。)
- 4、The Competition Commission is now to investigate whether the British Airports Authority needs tosell off some of its assets.(竞争委员会正在调查英国机场管理局是否需要出售其部分资产。)
- 5、Its share price plunged by 11% on the first day of trading amid a broad sell-off in Asian markets.(而其股价,在上市第一天便因在亚洲股市大幅抛售导致其股价暴跌11%。)
- 6、It is lumpy: you can offload parts of your share portfolio, but you cannotsell off the kitchen.(这很麻烦:你可以抛售股票组合的一部分,但你却不能单卖一个厨房。)
- 7、There insurance sell-off is not totally irrational.(再保险业的廉价出清并不是完全不理智的。)
- 8、On the contrary, the sell-off is probably down to caution.(恰恰相反,卖出债券多半是谨慎考虑的结果。)
- 9、This week's fresh sell-off of bonds from troubled countries such as Ireland, Portugal and Greece came almost on cue.(本周新一轮的对爱尔兰、葡萄牙和希腊等陷入困境的国家的债券的抛售几乎是说来就来。)
- 10、The privatization of the electricity industry was the biggest sell-off of them all.(电力行业的私有化是这类出售中最大的一宗。)
- 11、Some expected Apple's shares tosell off after the report as investors took profits following another solid report.(一部分预计苹果股票将在报告公布后遭抛售,这样投资者就可以从下一期较好报告中套利。)
- 12、She vowed to address this month the biggest immediate question facing the company: whether tosell off the PC business.(她承诺,本月内会解决惠普面临的最重大、最紧迫的问题:是否出售PC业务。)
- 13、The fear was that the company would have tosell off a major part of its asset base to stay liquid.(让人担心的是这家公司可能会为了保证现金流动性,而被迫低价出售其重要资产。)
- 14、BANKERS and investors might not agree, but the recent sell-off in financial markets is good news.(银行家和投资人或许不会认同,但金融市场近期出现的跌价现象是个利好消息。)
- 15、That the sell-off was not even worse primarily reflects the possibility that a deal may yet happen.(这次股价的下跌不是想象的那么更坏主要是反映了这笔交易重新再来的可能。)
- 16、The sell-off is aimed at repositioning the company as a publisher of business information.(出售公司部分业务旨在将公司重新定位为主要出版商业信息的出版商。)
- 17、With the expansion of cities, many peoplesell off their old houses in the countryside and move into new flats in cities.(随着城市扩张,许多人低价出售他们在农村的旧房子,然后搬进城市里的新公寓。)
- 18、Many worried that interest rates would skyrocket and the marketssell off.(许多人担心利率会大幅上涨,市场会出现出现狂售。)
- 19、One analyst said there was "no arguing with panic" in the sell-off.(一位分析师说,人们抛售股票的时候无疑是带有恐慌情绪。)
- 20、Thanks to globalization, Wall Street was able tosell off its toxic mortgages around the world.(感谢全球化,华尔街才有可能向全球销售他们不良抵押。)
- 21、Some of Garcia's associates have been caught on tape talking about how tosell off the Amazon to their cronies.(一些加西亚的同僚谈论如何把亚马逊地区卖给自己亲信的谈话已被录音。)
- 22、They would almost certainlysell off the Asian assets and slash all but the most central operations of the core business.(他们几乎肯定会出售雅虎亚洲资产,仅保留核心业务的核心部门,而砍掉其他一切业务。)