
sense organ

sense organ造句

更新时间:2025-03-10 09:03:02

好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的sense organ的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了27条sense organ的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了sense organ的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、Will be the modern people by the visualsense organ 3D three-dimensional world, by the visualsense organ three Uygur three-dimensional future.(是现代人以视觉感官3D立体世界、以视觉感官三维立体未来。)
  • 2、The experiments as follows are done:(1) Space of magnetismsense organ and needle valve is measured.(本课题进行了以下设计与试验:(1)测定磁感喷油器的磁敏元件和挺杆之间的最佳间隙。)
  • 3、It can improve the function of inner organs,sense organ and the nerve center of the human body.(提高人的内脏器官、感觉器官、神经中枢功能。)
  • 4、The effective statistics treatment of the results bysense organ taste was discussed with examples.(以实例讨论了感官品评结果的有效统计处理。)
  • 5、The human eye is the importantsense organ.(眼睛是人类获得外界信息的重要感觉器官。)
  • 6、The results showed that the products had good evaluation ofsense organ, and more nutritions. The production cost was low.(结果显示:产品感官评定良好,营养丰富,成本低廉,其生产工艺简单易行。)
  • 7、She also as if break relations with thissense organ world.(她自己也似乎与此感官世界脱离关系。)
  • 8、However, can we receive music only rely on oursense organ such as ears and mouth?(但是音乐仅仅只能依靠“耳朵”和“嘴巴”这类感觉器官来接收音乐进而表现音乐吗?)
  • 9、In the past, the human'ssense organ is a gateway, and true existence goes to our innermost existence through oursense organ.(在过去,人们的感官是门户,真实的存在就是通过我们的感官到达我们内心深处的存在。)
  • 10、But what is different from visual illusion is that the cognition illusion is not caused bysense organ essentially.(然而,与视错觉不同的是,认知错觉从本质上来说并非由感官造成的。)
  • 11、Proposed the differentsense organ expression combination way, analyzed each combination way characteristic.(提出了不同感官表达组合方式,分析了各种组合方式的的特点。)
  • 12、As an important sub-system of the Chinese word system, the Chinesesense organ words reflect the Chinese people's understanding and thinking of the world.(汉语感官词作为汉语词汇系统中重要的子系统,反映了汉民族对世界的认识和思考。)
  • 13、The human eye is the importantsense organ that can gain the outside information by the light stimulation primarily.(以适宜光刺激为主的人眼是人类获取外界信息最多的重要感觉器官。)
  • 14、The newest research shows: oursense organ is not only a gateway, but also a guard.(而最新的研究表明:我们的感官不仅仅是门户,它们同样是卫兵。)
  • 15、Foldsense organ full of girls retro Black Flower Girl Dresses atmosphere.(折叠给人的感觉就像是穿着复古裙装拿着花的女孩那种气氛。)
  • 16、This symbol visionsense organ meets straight, the variation is strong, easy to distinguish, the memory.(此标志视觉感官直接,差异化强,易识别、记忆。)
  • 17、We designed the experiment by uniform design and determine the best ratio with the help ofsense organ and texture profile analysis.(研究采用均匀设计法来设计实验,通过感观评定结合质构分析确定最佳的添加量。)
  • 18、To the balance-structure, on the one hand, the rightsense organ is important to the system performance, for it directly getting the measurement signal.(内旋式纸浆浓度变送器的性能除了体现在平衡机构上,而且还体现在系统控制算法的选择上。)
  • 19、A visible object can be experienced only through the eye-door, not through any other doorway (sense organ). A visible object can't be touched.(可见的对象只能通过眼门来体验,而不是通过任何其它根门(感觉器官)来体验。可见的对象不能被触摸。)
  • 20、This task adopt MEMS technics to make Thermal -film air-mass sensor, mostly work is the study and facture of thesense organ of the chip.(本课题采用MEMS工艺制作热膜式气体质量流量传感器,主要工作放在敏感头芯片部分的研制。)
  • 21、Thesense organ and physicochemical index of dry cider reached the national standard of high quality dry wine.(酿制出的干式苹果酒感官、理化指标达到国家优质干白葡萄酒标准。)
  • 22、Through studying the swimming crab as identify thesense organ and determine physics and chemistry norm in different freezing temperature.(通过对冷冻贮藏在不同温度下的梭子蟹进行感官鉴定和理化指标的测定,从而找出不同冻结温度对梭子蟹品质影响的结果。)
  • 23、The author taken thesense organ function as the headspring of the truth, and saw it as the mans natural character of the original.(作者把感官功能作为真理的源泉,视为人物原生态的本性。)
  • 24、On the basis of thesense organ connotation, the context analyzes the characteristic, style and value of thesense organ between the teaching system.(在对感官内涵进行解读的基础上,对教学中感官的特性、类型及其价值进行了分析。)
  • 25、Thesense organ is an important medium that the mankind obtains information,sense organ or felling is people's main path of understanding the world.(感官是人类获取信息的重要渠道,感官和经由感官获得的感觉是人们认识世界的主要途径。)
  • 26、But it is not enough for man to study natural phenomena and law as well as production activity through only man'ssense organ.(而单靠人们自身哒感觉器官,在研究自然现象和规律以及生产活动中它们哒功可以就远远不要够了。)
  • 27、Sense also known assense organ, which refers to the body organ that receives objective things from the outside world.(感官,又称感觉器官,指人体负责接受外界客观事物刺激的器官。)
sense organ基本释义

sense organ

英 [sens ˈɔ:ɡən] 美 [sɛns ˈɔrɡən] 

第三人称复数:sense organs

