


更新时间:2024-06-24 11:56:15

  • 1、I'll try, "theshopkeeper smiled." Folks around here don't usually have that kind of money to spend on things.(“我尽量吧,”店主微笑着说,“这儿的人买起东西来,一般不会花那么大一笔钱的,一时半会儿卖不出去。”)
  • 2、Theshopkeeper has gone to the wholesaler to buy new products.(店主到批发商处进货去了。)
  • 3、Can you please hold it for me for some time?” “I'll try," theshopkeeper smiled.(他告诉了店主他想要的东西,又加上一句:“可我现在还没有钱买它,您能为我预留一段时间吗?”)
  • 4、"But it is not just about money," says ashopkeeper.(我们要的其实不是只是钱。)
  • 5、"Yes, Sir," answered theshopkeeper, "but the lamp isn't included in the price of the bicycle. It's an extra."(“是的,先生,”店主回答说,“但那盏灯不包括在自行车的价格里面,是另外收费的。”)
  • 6、But as I was about to leave without the hat, theshopkeeper convinced me to try another.(但是当我空手离开这家店的时候,店主叫我再试试别的。)
  • 7、Theshopkeeper could then advance Ram the money, minus a small fee.(然后店主就能把这笔钱付给Ram,外加少量手续费。)
  • 8、Without a word, theshopkeeper took the coat from the shelf and held it for Sarah.(店主二话没说,从架子上拿起外套,递给萨拉。)
  • 9、Theshopkeeper says, “No, my dog does not bit.”(店主说:“不,我的狗不咬人。”)
  • 10、We were very friendly with all localshopkeepers and we happened to mention to a localshopkeeper how much we had made that week.(我们对当地所有的店主都很友好,并且我们碰巧向当地的一位店主提及我们在那个星期赚了多少钱。)
  • 11、She led her uncle down the street to the store, where she greeted theshopkeeper.(她领着叔叔沿街来到商店,跟店主打了个招呼。)
  • 12、Actually, the three-year-old dog is a good "shopkeeper".(实际上,这只三岁的狗是个很好的“店主”。)
  • 13、But one of them, ashopkeeper was sad.(但他们其中的一个,一位店主有点沮丧。)
  • 14、Wanted, ashopkeeper who does not discuss markets wherever he goes.(招聘一个不会走到哪都大谈市场的商店经理。)
  • 15、Ashopkeeper peers through a broken window of his shop in Brixton on Aug. 8.(8月8日,在布林·克斯顿,一位店主正弯腰通过店里一扇被破坏的窗户。)
  • 16、"Welcome to the club then!" said theshopkeeper with a wink.(“那欢迎下次再来!”店主向我眨眨眼。)
  • 17、She asks theshopkeeper, "Does your dog bite?"(她问店主:“你的狗咬人吗?”)
  • 18、Thatshopkeeper is a scoundrel in the town.(那家商店的老板是这个镇上的地头蛇。)
  • 19、The customer bargained with theshopkeeper for a long time, and finally they agreed on the price.(这位顾客和店主讨价还价了好长时间,最后终于在价格上达成了一致。)
  • 20、The robbers clobbered theshopkeeper to make him open the safe.(强盗们对店主大打出手,胁迫他打开保险箱。)
  • 21、Ashopkeeper pleads with robbers to take everything he has but spare his life; they shoot him anyway.(一个店主苦苦哀求抢劫犯拿走所有东西后留他一命,但是最后这伙抢劫犯还是枪杀了这名店主。)
  • 22、” oneshopkeeper asked, proudly pointing out her ample supply of discs packed in unmarked white boxes.(”店主边询问边自豪的指着没有任何标记的白色包装盒上里的碟片,并且数量充足。)
  • 23、A Parisshopkeeper takes a break in the doorway of his wine shop on Boulevard Haussman.(巴黎豪斯曼大街一位卖酒的店主在自家商店门口摆出暂停营业的牌子。)
  • 24、We’re real men, ” said ashopkeeper, brandishing a machete. “We can protect ourselves.”(“我们是埃及人,我们是真男人,”一个守护店铺的人,挥舞着大刀说到“我们能保护自己。”)


英 [ˈʃɒpki:pə(r)] 美 [ˈʃɑ:pki:pə(r)] 


