
sick people

sick people造句

更新时间:2024-08-28 12:20:35

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的sick people的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了28条sick people的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了sick people的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、That person makessick people better.(那人能让病人身体好转。)
  • 2、To increase coverage, he would subsidise individuals and small firms to buy insurance and bar insurers from excludingsick people.(补贴个人或小型企业购买保险和阻止保险公司拒保病人将扩大覆盖面。)
  • 3、They wanted it to be a place in a different way of working withsick people.(他们希望这里能成为一个以不同方式与病人合作的地方。)
  • 4、At any given time, healthy people - who need only limited health care - are subsidizingsick people, who must draw more heavily on the available health resources.(在任何一段时期内,对卫生保健需要有限的健康人补助有病的人,后者必须利用更多的所得卫生资金。)
  • 5、Keep diapered children in the water for only brief periods and keepsick people out of the water altogether.(不让还戴尿布的孩子长时间在水中逗留,生病的人都不要下水。)
  • 6、13they drove out many demons and anointed manysick people with oil and healed them.(又赶出许多的鬼,用油抹了许多病人,治好他们。)
  • 7、If I see a bunch ofsick people, maybe a big infection is around, and I better kick my immune system into high gear.(如果我看到一群病患,这里有可能有传染病,那么我最好把自己的免疫系统再开高一个档。)
  • 8、In the poor world, the patenting system every day puts medicines beyond the reach ofsick people.(在贫穷国家,专利制度每天都使病人得不到药品。)
  • 9、Now a study shows that seeingsick people can even prompt changes in the immune system.(仅仅看到生病的人就会激起我们免疫系统的警钟。)
  • 10、My father, the town's only doctor, had to be wheresick people could find him.(我爸爸是镇上唯一的一名大夫,他得守在病人能找到他的地方。)
  • 11、Retana, a retired surgeon at the Siquijor town hospital, has seensick people spend months hoping to be healed by witches only to eventually seek treatment at the hospital.(Retana是锡基霍尔市医院的退休外科医生,他曾目睹病人花几个月时间希望巫师能治好病,但最后还是来医院就诊。)
  • 12、At the end of his sermon, he invites anysick people in the church to come forward for prayer with the elders.(在他的布道会快要结束的时候,他有意邀请了一些教会里生着病的信徒们出来与教会的长老们一起祈告。)
  • 13、She said women should be permitted to become doctors because they are good at helpingsick people.(她说女子应当被允许成为医生,因为她们更擅长帮助病人。)
  • 14、sick people can be treated either in hospitals or outside them.(病人可以在医院里或者医院外接受治疗。)
  • 15、He like his job because he wants to makesick people better.(他喜欢他的工作,因为他想要使生病的人更好。)
  • 16、But overall, funding for stem-cell research will surely increase, raising hopes for manysick people.(不过,总的来说,用于干细胞研究的资金定会增加,给许多与病魔战斗的人们带来了希冀。)
  • 17、As we move into the future, 3D printing will revolutionize the way we shop, the way we manufacture and the way we treatsick people.(随着我们进入未来,3D打印将彻底改变我们的购物方式、生产方式和治疗病人的方式。)
  • 18、All thesick people will come to you to buy life insurance and they will turn out to have a higher death rate than the population at large.(所有生病的人都会向你购买人寿险,而他们比普通人群,有着更高的死亡率。)
  • 19、The Haji who lived at the outskirts of the town was said to perform miracles, so his home was a center of pilgrimage for large crowds ofsick people.(据说郊外住着一个会行神迹的哈吉,故此他的家成了一个朝觐的中心,聚集了一大群有病的人。)
  • 20、I realized that I, like many others who care forsick people, needed somewhere else to go once in a while to draw breath and find meaning before returning to the work of nursing.(我认识到,像其他照顾患者的人一样,我也需要不时地去其他地方歇一歇,找到生活的意义,然后再回去照料病人。)
  • 21、He helpssick people.(他帮助生病的人。)
  • 22、They're taking children and old andsick people out first and flying without rest.(他们先把孩子、老人和病人救走,一刻不歇地飞来飞去。)
  • 23、I like my job because I want to makesick people better.(我喜欢我的工作,因为我想要使生病的人更好。)
  • 24、sick people, they are really saying, should pay more.(病人,就像人们说的,就应该支付更多费用。)
  • 25、But in 1938, Dr Arlie Bock, the director of the then Department of Hygiene at Harvard University, wondered whether studyingsick people was only half of the story.(但是,在1938年,哈佛大学卫生系主任ArlieBock博士怀疑,研究病人只是故事的一半。)
  • 26、"Folks are odd when it comes tosick people, and I was afraid that they might not want to do business with us," says Lovell, 56.(“当与病人打交道时,人们会觉得不自在,我怕会失去他们,”Lovell,56岁,说道。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 27、There must be some realsick people out there!(这种人真变态!)
  • 28、Regular hand washing should be carried out after caring for or visitingsick people.(照顾或探访病人后应照例洗手。)
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