好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的settle on的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了26条settle on的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了settle on的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、When yousettle on searches you find useful, you can scan the results for items you may want to check further.(当你搜到觉得有用的结果,你可以逐条浏览搜索结果,可能会有想点进去看的。)
- 2、Blair's withdrawal 'made it easy' for the others tosettle on Van Rompuy and Baroness Ashton, said Van Rompuy's spokesman.(范龙佩的发言人表示,布莱尔的退出令其他人轻松选定了范龙佩和阿什顿。)
- 3、A short time ago, people found this island and began tosettle on it.(一段时间前,一些人发现了那个小岛,开始在上面生活。)
- 4、Within the photo node, any number of tags can describe the photograph, but in this example, wesettle on date, locale, and comment.(在photo节点中可以使用任意多个标记来描述照片,但本例中只使用了date、locale和comment。)
- 5、Wesettle on the balcony, overlooking the large terrace and pool directly below.(我们在阳台上坐下,俯瞰着下面的大露台和泳池。)
- 6、They maysettle on one piece of software in each category, but only after experimenting with all the possibilities.(他们会在每一类别的软件中选择其中一个,但是这在体验了所有的可能目标之后才会做出。)
- 7、Try tosettle on a time when the job will be done.(尝试解决一个时间作业时,将得到伸张。)
- 8、The new arrivals stream in by the hundreds daily andsettle on any available patch of dusty earth they can find.(每天数以百计的人蜂涌而入,无论地面有多脏,只要能找到都会被见缝插针的挤满。)
- 9、You must stop juggling the bus-times around andsettle on a fixed timetable.(你们得把公共汽车的时间表固定下来,不要老是把行车时间变来变去。)
- 10、Many birdssettle on that high tree.(很多鸟儿栖息在那棵高高的树上。)
- 11、A work environment or career field you hate. - Don'tsettle on the first or second career field you dabble in.(一个你不喜欢的工作环境或是职业-不要再次选择你之前的第一个或第二个职业。)
- 12、Then yousettle on a color scheme and a design theme, and work towards the smaller details from there.(然后设置配色方案和设计主题,最后在那些细节处下工夫。)
- 13、Instead wesettle on becoming creatures of habit.(我们决定成为了习惯动物。)
- 14、Players who cannot pay their fines may borrow from each other at any rate they care tosettle on-for instance, 100% interest within three turns.(某玩家如果不能付帐,可以从其他人手里借,利率可以任意商定。例如,三轮100%的利率。)
- 15、She eventually had tosettle on the sports channel.(她最后不得不选定在体育频道。) hao86.com
- 16、He waits for the offending insect tosettle on his left hand, raises his right and then swats it to gasps of admiration from onlookers.(他静静等待着苍蝇落在他左手背上,然后缓缓抬起右手,猛地拍过去,在旁观者的赞叹声中,苍蝇已经“蝇”头落地,命丧黄泉。)
- 17、I am baffled by the choice, butsettle on a Strawberries &Kreme, a doughnut with a jammy, creamy centre.(我被这么多口味的选择弄晕了,最终还是选了草莓味的,就是甜甜圈里有着果酱和奶油夹心的那种。)
- 18、Agree or Disagree: Fear makes cowards of us and tempts us tosettle on sinful solutions.(你是否同意:惧怕会使我们胆怯并引诱我们采取罪恶的解决方法。)
- 19、Sandra refused to leave, asking for a pillow and blanket and preparing tosettle on the floor.(桑德拉不愿意就此离开。她向医院要了个枕头和毯子,准备睡在地板上陪着丈夫。)
- 20、To further increase the inline length, you cansettle on a larger page size of 8k, 16k, or even 32k.(为了进一步增加inlinelength,可以将表放在页宽为8K、16K甚至32K的表空间上。)
- 21、Wouldn’t it be better tosettle on the price first before going on to the quantity?(在讨论数量前,我们先解决价格问题不更好吗?)
- 22、But if you don't like this style, all that really matters is that you (and your team) understand whatever nomenclature yousettle on.(但如果你不喜欢这种风格,真正要做的事情是你(及你的团队)理解你所决定的命名法。)
- 23、After yousettle on a spot, decide what the right features might be.(当您在一个地方定居,决定什么是正确的功能可能会。)
- 24、More to the point, he had yet tosettle on a subject for the personal essay accompanying the application.(说得更确切些,他还没有决定好申请时所附的个人论文的主题。)
- 25、Justsettle on any definition of Done, and make sure there is a branch to accomodate stories that are Done according to that definition.(先确定“完成”一词的任何定义,然后确保有一个分支可以容纳根据该定义已经“完成”的故事。)
- 26、If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if Isettle on the far side of the sea.(我若展开清晨的翅膀,飞到海极居住。)