
slip away

slip away造句

更新时间:2024-12-23 07:18:02

好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的slip away的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了28条slip away的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了slip away的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、True. When I tell my kids to behaves themselves, they will make a face andslip away.(是呀。当我告诉我的孩子要表现得体些,他们总是做鬼脸,然后就溜掉了。)
  • 2、As the Spaniards turn the carriage into a dancing frenzy, weslip away to pack.(西班牙人把公共车厢变成了狂热的舞厅,我们溜回自己车厢去打包。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 3、Like my old TRS-80, which sits lifeless in a dusty box, computing history can easilyslip away.(就像我的旧的TRS-80一样(毫无生气地放在布满尘土的盒子中),计算历史很容易不知不觉地过去。)
  • 4、Frightened, you'llslip away.(因为害怕,你会就此离去。)
  • 5、That leaves retail and commercial deposits, and even these may have begun toslip away.(这便只剩下零售存款和商业存款这两个渠道,可是就连这些渠道可能也已开始逐渐消失。)
  • 6、I let the dayslip away without doing anything at all.(那一天我什么事情也没做,就让日子白白溜过去了。)
  • 7、Not to see youslip away form me.(没有看到你从我身边溜走。)
  • 8、Time, money, and patience allslip away.(时间、金钱和耐心都会悄悄溜走。)
  • 9、His plan toslip away and leave the false child to do its work was shattered.(他原来是想溜走,把假孩子留下,让它自己完成这项任务,但现在这个计划行不通了。)
  • 10、Happiness has been to, yetslip away.(幸福曾经来过,却又悄悄溜走。)
  • 11、Then they'll quietlyslip away to pray or throw up or something.(然后他们静静的逃掉,到一边祈祷或者呕吐或者别的什么去了。)
  • 12、I lost it all, watched itslip away.(我失去了所有,愿望落空。)
  • 13、They always seem toslip away right when you need them most.(它们似乎经常在你最需要它们的时候溜之大吉。)
  • 14、You can'tslip away this time.(这回你溜不掉了。)
  • 15、Don't let your precious time and disposable incomeslip away so easily.(别再让你宝贵的时间和一点可支配的收入轻易地流失了。)
  • 16、A great screaming, and then,slip away.(接着一声尖叫,然后滑至一边开走。)
  • 17、So time does notslip away meaninglessly.(于是时光不会无谓的流逝。)
  • 18、Are we really going to let thisslip away?(我们真的会让它悄悄溜走吗?)
  • 19、slip away once in a while for some private time.(适当离开一段时间,为自己找个私人空间。)
  • 20、It's a good time for you toslip away.(这正是你溜之大吉的好时机。)
  • 21、I saw the boyslip away through the door.(我看见那个男孩溜出门去。)
  • 22、Manchester City may regret letting Daniel Sturridgeslip away.(曼城或许会后悔放走斯图里奇。)
  • 23、It's so easy to let your dreamsslip away.(我们很容易让自己的梦想从身边悄然滑过。)
  • 24、'Why did youslip away by stealth like this?(“你为什么要这样偷偷地溜走呢?”)
  • 25、Don't let that timeslip away too.(不要让时间白白流走。)
  • 26、I won't let thisslip away.(我不会让这份爱悄悄溜走。)
  • 27、We cannot let this momentslip away.(我们不能让机会溜走了。)
  • 28、When poverty come in from outside, loveslip away from the window.(当贫穷从门外进来,爱情便从窗口溜走。——托·富勒。)
slip away基本释义

slip away

英 [slip əˈwei] 美 [slɪp əˈwe] 

溜走; 溜; 不告而别; 蹽
