
object to

object to造句

更新时间:2024-06-24 12:03:36

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的object to的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了28条object to的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了object to的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、I'd like some coffee, and I don'tobject to the powdered stuff if it's all you've got.(我想要点咖啡,如果你们只有粉状的东西,我也不反对。)
  • 2、I reallyobject to being charged for parking.(我非常反对收停车费。)
  • 3、He did, however,object to one thing.(但是,他对一件事表示反对。)
  • 4、I did not reallyobject to Will's behaviour so much as his personality.(我与其说是反感威尔的行为,还不如说是讨厌他的个性。)
  • 5、Many parentsobject to sending their children to study abroad on the account that they don't want to separate with their children.(许多父母反对将孩子送去国外留学,原因是他们不想和孩子分开。)
  • 6、Iobject to this in the strongest terms.(我强烈反对这样做。) (好工具
  • 7、This flexible framework allows anyobject to be translated into another type.(这一灵活框架允许任何对象转换到另一种类型。)
  • 8、The Rajah did notobject to his staying and so the procession was formed.(小王公不反对他留下来,于是队伍就排好了。)
  • 9、I will never forget the unconditional love shown by my stepmother when I asked her if she wouldobject to mother attending daddy's funeral.(我永远不会忘记当我问继母是否会反对母亲参加爸爸的葬礼时,她表现出的无条件的爱。)
  • 10、Many researchers whose work depends on ocean soundsobject to a limit of one hundred and twenty decibels.(许多研究人员的工作依赖于海洋声音,他们反对120分贝的限制。)
  • 11、Add a listobject to the report.(添加一个列表对象到报告中。)
  • 12、Theyobject to his ethical stance.(他们反对他的这一立场。)
  • 13、I doobject to their claim, which I find totally unsubstantiated.(我确实反对他们的说法,我发现那是完全没有根据的。)
  • 14、He didn't know he was then anobject to be horsed.(他不知道他那会儿成了被捉弄的对象。)
  • 15、Can't you see why Iobject to it?(难道你不明白我为什么反对你那样做吗?)
  • 16、For anobject to be in rotational equilibrium about a certain point, the total torque about this point must be zero.(一个物体若要在某一点处处于转动平衡,在这一点处的总力矩必须为零。)
  • 17、Theyobject to the movie's depiction of gay people.(他们反对这部影片对同性恋者的刻画。)
  • 18、But, in fact, he did notobject to her as strongly as he had at first.(不过,事实上,他并不像当初那样强烈地不喜欢她了。)
  • 19、Has it another importantobject to accomplish ten thousand years to come?(难道它还有另一个重要的目的,要在未来的一万年里完成?)
  • 20、One technique I remember was using the location of anobject to date it, like how deep it was buried.(我记得有一种方法是利用物体的位置来确定它的年代,比如它被埋得有多深。)
  • 21、Working people everywhereobject to paying taxes.(各地劳动人民都反对纳税。)
  • 22、Seventeen states allow parents to get an exemption, sometimes just by signing a paper saying they personallyobject to a vaccine.(17个州允许父母获得豁免,有时他们只需要签署一份文件,以此声明他们反对接种疫苗。)
  • 23、Many local peopleobject to the building of the new airport.(许多当地的居民反对兴建新机场。)
  • 24、Few in eastern Europeobject to that in principle.(原则上,很少有东欧国家会反对这个提议。)
  • 25、Many peopleobject to experimentation on embryos.(许多人反对用胚胎做实验。)
  • 26、A lot of people willobject to the book.(很多人会反对这本书。)
  • 27、If she does notobject to it, why should we?(只要她不反对,我们为什么要反对?)
  • 28、Who couldobject to this?(这么好的建议,又有谁会反对呢?)
object to基本释义

object to

英 [ˈɔbdʒikt tu:] 美 [ˈɑbdʒɪkt tu] 

反对, 对…反感;非;不以为然;
