
or whatever

or whatever造句

更新时间:2025-01-06 08:06:55

好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的or whatever的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了29条or whatever的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了or whatever的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、When you send an e-mail you can also send a file as an attachment and that file can be a graphic, a program, a soundor whatever.(当发送电子邮件时,你还可以把一份文件作为附件发送,该文件可以是图片、程序、或声音文件等。)
  • 2、They're always protesting about something or saving the treesor whatever.(他们总是在抗议一些事情,或是在拯救树木或诸如此类的事情。)
  • 3、It's not that your husband or your boyfriendor whatever is losing interest.(不是因为你的丈夫或男朋友或随便什么人失去了兴趣。)
  • 4、So sure, that futuristic flame effector whatever looks wicked cool.(当然,未来派的火焰效果或其他的看上去有一种邪恶的美感。)
  • 5、or whatever words work.(或者随便说些起作用的话语。)
  • 6、Or greedy, selfish, uncaring,or whatever.(或者贪得无厌、自私自利、冷漠无情,诸如此类。)
  • 7、You can select 24or whatever bit depth all of your equipment will support.(只要所有的设备都支持,也可以选择24位或其他位深。)
  • 8、It might be image manipulation or maybe database designor whatever.(也许是图像处理,也许是数据库设计,等等。)
  • 9、We can get cereal, paper products, cat foodor whatever we need here.(我们可以在这儿买到谷物,纸制品,猫食或者我们想要的所有东西。)
  • 10、If you're going to make proteinsor whatever.(如果你想制作蛋白质或其它东西。)
  • 11、Are we content with money, freedom, technologyor whatever we have?(我们对于已有的金钱、自由、技术或是其他东西满意吗?)
  • 12、If you use this little magnet you can draw a mustache or hair, or eyebrowsor whatever on this particular face.(如果你想使用这小磁铁,你可以在这特定的脸上画胡子、头发或眉毛等等。)
  • 13、Have them try jumping, running, human pyramidsor whatever comes to mind.(让他们试着跳,跑,或者叠人山,能想到的都行。)
  • 14、It may be a park, the beachor whatever.(可能是公园,海边或随便什么地方。)
  • 15、He shorted the stocksor whatever to benefit.(他在股价上升时做空股票去赢利。)
  • 16、Give me five loaves of bread,or whatever you can find.(求你给我五个饼或是别样的食物。)
  • 17、Maybe she's going back there to see if Dora is really back thereor whatever.(也许她要回去看看朵拉是不是真的在那里,或者别的什么。)
  • 18、Thai food, or pizza,or whatever you want.(泰国菜,或者比萨饼,随你喜欢。)
  • 19、Why wasn't I trying to do something more easy for markets to digest, i.e. cutey-pie greeting cardsor whatever?(为什么我不尝试设计一些更容易为市场接纳的东西,比如可爱的蛋糕贺卡,或是别的什么东西?)
  • 20、Here, they look up and they see money at the top,or whatever.(在这儿,他们往头上看的话,大概能看到钞票吧,或者其他东西。)
  • 21、He was in the front room, or the loungeor whatever you want to call it.(他当时在客厅,或者说是在起居室,或者在叫什么都行的房间里。)
  • 22、For me, that's reading and running, but others might like crafts, meditation, yoga, going on hikes, surfing,or whatever.(对于我来说,就是读书和跑步,但是其他人可能会喜欢工艺品、冥想、瑜伽、去远足、冲浪等等。)
  • 23、Your friend is about to go on the spaceship, which is going to do the exploration of Jupiteror whatever.(你的朋友即将要登上一搜宇宙飞船,要去探索木星还是什么。)
  • 24、I'm free to use it to start new businesses to help people,or whatever.(我可以用这笔钱开办新的企业来帮助人们,或者其它事情。)
  • 25、It can be a set of users, customers, accounts, houses, computers,or whatever.(它可以是一组用户、客户、帐户、房子、计算机或任何东西。)
  • 26、You can stop and restart the server, reboot your machine,or whatever.(您可以停止并重新启动服务器,重新启动计算机,或者执行别的操作。)
  • 27、or whatever the properties of your solvent are.(或者溶剂的其它性质。)
  • 28、I'm going to pause for a minute and let you ask questions, or make comments, or throw things,or whatever.(我暂时说到这儿,你们可以提问,或评论,或扔东西,什么都可以。)
  • 29、It's the same in any situation: in a prison, hospitalor whatever.(这在什么场合都一样:在监狱、医院或诸如此类的地方。) 【好工具】
or whatever基本释义

or whatever

等等; 诸如此类的事
